Todo el material de BlackHat USA 2014 (PDFs)
Como muchos ya saben, Black Hat USA 2014
se celebró la semana pasada, 2-7 agosto, como de costumbre en Las
Vegas. Para los que no tuvieran la fortuna de haber asistido a esta
conferencia, al menos se puede disfrutar del material que se presentó en las charlas, y que enlazo a continuación:
- Cybersecurity as Realpolitik
- A Journey to Protect Points-of-Sale
- A Practical Attack Against VDI Solutions
- A Scalable, Ensemble Approach for Building and Visualizing Deep Code-Sharing Networks Over Millions of Malicious Binaries
- Abuse of CPE Devices and Recommended Fixes
- Android FakeID Vulnerability Walkthrough
- APT Attribution and DNS Profiling
- Attacking Mobile Broadband Modems Like a Criminal Would
- Badger – The Networked Security State Estimation Toolkit
- Bitcoin Transaction Malleability Theory in Practice
- Bringing Software Defined Radio to the Penetration Testing Community
- Call To Arms: A Tale of the Weaknesses of Current Client-Side XSS Filtering
- Catching Malware En Masse: DNS and IP Style
- Computrace Backdoor Revisited
- Creating a Spider Goat: Using Transactional Memory Support for Security
- Data-Only Pwning Microsoft Windows Kernel: Exploitation of Kernel Pool Overflows on Microsoft Windows 8.1
- Defeating the Transparency Feature of DBI
- Digging for IE11 Sandbox Escapes
- Evasion of High-End IPS Devices in the Age of IPv6
- Exposing Bootkits with BIOS Emulation
- Extreme Privilege Escalation on Windows 8/UEFI Systems
- Finding and Exploiting Access Control Vulnerabilities in Graphical User Interfaces
- Fingerprinting Web Application Platforms by Variations in PNG Implementations
- Full System Emulation: Achieving Successful Automated Dynamic Analysis of Evasive Malware
- Governments As Malware Authors: The Next Generation
- GRR: Find All the Badness, Collect All the Things
- Hacking the Wireless World with Software Defined Radio – 2.0
- How Smartcard Payment Systems Fail
- How to Leak a 100-Million-Node Social Graph in Just One Week? – A Reflection on Oauth and API Design in Online Social Networks
- How to Wear Your Password
- I Know Your Filtering Policy Better than You Do: External Enumeration and Exploitation of Email and Web Security Solutions
- ICSCorsair: How I Will PWN Your ERP Through 4-20 mA Current Loop
- Internet Scanning – Current State and Lessons Learned
- Investigating PowerShell Attacks
- Leviathan: Command and Control Communications on Planet Earth
- Lifecycle of a Phone Fraudster: Exposing Fraud Activity from Reconnaissance to Takeover Using Graph Analysis and Acoustical Anomalies
- Miniaturization
- MoRE Shadow Walker: The Progression of TLB-Splitting on x86
- Multipath TCP: Breaking Today’s Networks with Tomorrow’s Protocols
- My Google Glass Sees Your Passwords!
- One Packer to Rule Them All: Empirical Identification, Comparison, and Circumvention of Current Antivirus Detection Techniques
- Pivoting in Amazon Clouds
- Poacher Turned Gamekeeper: Lessons Learned from Eight Years of Breaking Hypervisors
- Point of Sale System Architecture and Security
- Prevalent Characteristics in Modern Malware
- Probabilistic Spying on Encrypted Tunnels
- Protecting Data In-Use from Firmware and Physical Attacks
- Pulling Back the Curtain on Airport Security: Can a Weapon Get Past TSA?
- RAVAGE – Runtime Analysis of Vulnerabilities and Generation of Exploits
- Reflections on Trusting TrustZone
- Reverse Engineering Flash Memory for Fun and Benefit
- SAP, Credit Cards, and the Bird that Talks Too Much
- SATCOM Terminals: Hacking by Air, Sea, and Land
- Saving Cyberspace
- SecSi Product Development: Techniques for Ensuring Secure Silicon Applied to Open-Source Verilog Projects
- Secure Because Math: A Deep-Dive on Machine Learning-Based Monitoring
- Sidewinder Targeted Attack Against Android in the Golden Age of Ad Libs
- Smart Nest Thermostat: A Smart Spy in Your Home
- The Devil Does Not Exist – The Role of Deception in Cyber
- The Library of Sparta
- The New Page of Injections Book: Memcached Injections
- Thinking Outside the Sandbox – Violating Trust Boundaries in Uncommon Ways
- Time Trial: Racing Towards Practical Timing Attacks
- Unveiling the Open Source Visualization Engine for Busy Hackers
- VoIP Wars: Attack of the Cisco Phones
- What Goes Around Comes Back Around – Exploiting Fundamental Weaknesses in Botnet C&C Panels!
- When the Lights Go Out: Hacking Cisco EnergyWise
- Why Control System Cyber-Security Sucks…
- Why You Need to Detect More Than PtH
- Windows Kernel Graphics Driver Attack Surface
Fuente: Cyberhades
Todo el material de BlackHat USA 2014 (PDFs)
Reviewed by Zion3R