Droid-Hunter - Android Application Vulnerability Analysis And Android Pentest Tool

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// / / /` '-- By HaHwul
// //..\\ www.hahwul.com
====UU====UU==== https://github.com/hahwul/droid-hunter


Android application vulnerability analysis and Android pentest tool

A. Support
App info check
Baksmaling android app
Decompile android app
Extract class file
Extract java code
Pattern base Information Leakage

2. How to Install?

A. Download(clone) & Unpack DROID-HUNTER
git clone https://github.com/hahwul/droid-hunter.git
cd droid-hunter
B. Install Ruby GEM
gem install html-table
gem install colorize
ruby dhunter.rb

3. How to Use?
Usage: ruby dhunter.rb [APK]
-a, --apk : Analysis android APK file.
+ APK Analysis
=> dhunter -a 123.apk[apk file]
=> dhunter --apk 123.apk aaa.apk test.apk hwul.apk
-p, --pentest : Penetration testing Device
+ Pentest Android
=> dhunter -p device[device code]
=> dhunter --pentest device
-v, --version : Show this droid-hunter version
-h, --help : Show help page

4. Support
Contact [email protected]

5. Screen shot

Via: www.kitploit.com
Droid-Hunter - Android Application Vulnerability Analysis And Android Pentest Tool Droid-Hunter - Android Application Vulnerability Analysis And Android Pentest Tool Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:36 Rating: 5