BrainDamage - A fully featured backdoor that uses Telegram as a C&C server

A python based backdoor which uses Telegram as C&C server.

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|____/|_| \__,_|_|_| |_|_____/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|
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--> Coded by: Mehul Jain([email protected])
--> Github:
--> Twitter:
--> For windows only

______ _
| ____| | |
| |__ ___ __ _| |_ _ _ _ __ ___ ___
| __/ _ \/ _` | __| | | | '__/ _ \/ __|
| | | __/ (_| | |_| |_| | | | __/\__ \
|_| \___|\__,_|\__|\__,_|_| \___||___/

--> Persistance
--> USB spreading
--> Port Scanner
--> Router Finder
--> Run shell commands
--> Keylogger
--> Insert keystrokes
--> Record audio
--> Webserver
--> Screenshot logging
--> Download files in the host
--> Execute shutdown, restart, logoff, lock
--> Send drive tree structure
--> Set email template
--> Rename Files
--> Change wallpaper
--> Open website
--> Send Password for
• Chrome
• Mozilla
• Filezilla
• Core FTP
• CyberDuck
• FTPNavigator
• WinSCP
• Outlook
• Putty
• Skype
• Generic Network
--> Cookie stealer
--> Send active windows
--> Gather system information
• Drives list
• Internal and External IP
• Ipconfig /all output
• Platform

  • Telegram setup:
    • Install Telegram app and search for "BOTFATHER".
    • Type /help to see all possible commands.
    • Click on or type /newbot to create a new bot.
    • Name your bot.
    • You should see a new API token generated for it.
  • Dedicated Gmail account. Remember to check "allow connection from less secure apps" in gmail settings.
  • Set access_token in to token given by the botfather.
  • Set CHAT_ID in Send a message from the app and use the telegram api to get this chat id.
bot.getMe() will give output {'first_name': 'Your Bot', 'username': 'YourBot', 'id': 123456789}
  • Set copied_startup_filename in
  • Set Gmail password and Username in /Breathe/

  • whoisonline- list active slaves
    This command will list all the active slaves.
  • destroy- delete&clean up
    This command will remove the stub from host and will remove registry entries.
  • cmd- execute command on CMD
    Run shell commands on host
  • download- url (startup, desktop, default)
    This will download files in the host computer.
  • execute- shutdown, restart, logoff, lock
    Execute the following commands
  • screenshot- take screenshot
    Take screenshot of the host of computer.
  • send- passwords, drivetree, driveslist, keystrokes, openwindows
    This command will sends passwords (saved browser passwords, FTP, Putty..), directory tree of host (upto level 2), logged keystrokes and windows which are currently open
  • set- email (0:Default,1:URL,2:Update), filename (0: Itself, 1: Others), keystrokes (text)
    This command can set email template (default, download from url, update current template with text you'll send), rename filenames or insert keystrokes in host.
  • start- website (URL), keylogger, recaudio (time), webserver (Port), spread
    This command can open website, start keylogger, record audio, start webserver, USB Spreading
  • stop- keylogger, webserver
    This command will stop keylogger or webserver
  • wallpaper- change wallpaper (URL)
    Changes wallpaper of host computer
  • find- openports (host, threads, ports), router
    This command will find open ports and the router the host is using
  • help- print this usage



For educational purposes only, use at your own responsibility.

BrainDamage - A fully featured backdoor that uses Telegram as a C&C server BrainDamage - A fully featured backdoor that uses Telegram as a C&C server Reviewed by Zion3R on 12:00 Rating: 5