WPSeku - Simple Wordpress Security Scanner

WPSeku is a black box WordPress vulnerability scanner that can be used to scan remote WordPress installations to find security issues.

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[--] WPSeku - Wordpress Security Scanner
[--] WPSeku - v0.1.0
[--] Momo Outaadi (@M4ll0k)
[--] https://github.com/m4ll0k/WPSeku

Usage: wpseku.py --url URL

-u --url Site URL (e.g: http://site.com)
-e --enum
[u: Usernames Enumeration
-p --plugin
[x: Search Cross Site Scripting vuln
[l: Search Local File Inclusion vuln
[s: Search SQL Injection vuln
-t --theme
[x: Search Cross Site Scripting vuln
[l: Search Local File Inclusion vuln
[s: Search SQL Injection vuln
-b --brute
[l: Bruteforce password login
[x: Bruteforce password login via XML-RPC
--user Set username, try with enum users
--wordlist Set wordlist
-h --help Show this help and exit
wpseku.py -u www.site.com
wpseku.py -u www.site.com -e [u]
wpseku.py -u site.com/path/wp-content/plugins/wp/wp.php?id= -p [x,l,s]
wpseku.py -u site.com --user test --wordlist dict.txt -b [l,x]


Via: www.kitploit.com
WPSeku - Simple Wordpress Security Scanner WPSeku - Simple Wordpress Security Scanner Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:34 Rating: 5