Exif-Remove - Command Line Tool- Remove Exif Data from all Digital Pictures

This tool is made in Python 2.7 compiled using pyinstaller for Windows OS. Nothing is special about this tool it just eases the work for me, maybe will for you too.

For what reason?
Exif is Metadata stored in hidden in your pictures. Many well-intentioned people unwittingly expose personal information that is embedded in the metadata of those digital pictures. To better protect your online confidentiality, it is crucial to remove exif data.

Changelog ( v.1.0.3 )
Tool will check if exif data is already removed ( identifies using ex_ string in filenames ) Issues fixed - Single thread worker

Installation instructions
  • Download the .zip file exif_remove.zip
  • Extract the .zip file and copy the exif.exe to C:\Windows\
  • Let's test it! Goto the directory where you have your pictures
  • Hold SHIFT KEY and click RIGHT CLICK
  • From dropdown select Open command window here
  • Write exif and press ENTER KEY
It'll regenerate the image files without exif data and save them, also auto delete the files with exif data

Via: www.kitploit.com
Exif-Remove - Command Line Tool- Remove Exif Data from all Digital Pictures Exif-Remove - Command Line Tool- Remove Exif Data from all Digital Pictures Reviewed by Zion3R on 19:12 Rating: 5