Lista de recursos para aprender ingeniería inversa
Empezamos la semana con un recopilatorio de enlaces para aprender/repasar ingeniería inversa de Jackson Thuraisamy de Security Compass. Básicamente es una serie de recursos que su autor fue recopilando mientras estuvo aprendiendo a encontrar vulnerabilidades de corrupción de memoria en Windows. El resultado es una lista bastante actualizada y variada con vídeos, artículos, tutoriales, writeups, etc., que siempre conviene tener a mano para revisar. Aquí os la dejo:
- LiveOverflow Binary Hacking🌟💬
- Introductory Intel x86🌟
- Introduction to Reverse Engineering Software
- RPISEC: Modern Binary Exploitation🌟
- The Life of Binaries
- Reverse Engineering Malware
- RPISEC: Malware Analysis
- The C Programming Language (K&R)
- The GNU C Reference Manual
- Learn C the Hard Way
- Learn C in Y Minutes
- Practical Reverse Engineering🌟💬
- Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software🌟💬
- Assembly Language Step-by-Step: Programming with Linux
- Wikibooks: x86 Disassembly
- A Bug Hunter's Diary🌟💬
- Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering🌟💬
- The Shellcoder's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Holes
- Windows Internals🌟
- Rootkits and Bootkits: Reversing Modern Malware and Next Generation Threats
- Basic Dynamic Analysis with IDA Pro and WinDbg💬
- A Link to the Past: Abusing Symbolic Links on Windows
- Windows Kernel Graphics Driver Attack Surface
- bee13oy: Attacking Antivirus Software's Kernel Driver💬
- Direct X: Direct Way to Microsoft Windows Kernel
- A Window Into Ring 0
- Windows Drivers Attack Surface
- Malware Unicorn: Reverse Engineering Malware 101🌟
- HumbleSec: Assembly to Pseudocode Manually💬
- Mozilla: A Crash Course in Memory Management
- Corelan Team Exploit Writing
- Hacking the PS4: Userland ROP💬
- What is a "good" memory corruption vulnerability?🌟
- Attacking JavaScript Engines: A case study of JavaScriptCore and CVE-2016-4622
- The Stack Clash (Qualys Security Advisory)
- Windows Kernel Exploitation Part 3: Arb. Overwrite, NULL Ptr, Type Confusion And Int. Overflow Examples
- Windows Kernel Exploitation Part 4: Introduction to Windows Kernel Pool Exploitation
- hasherezade: Starting with Windows Kernel Exploitation
- Windows Kernel Exploitation Part 0: Kernel Debugging
- Windows Kernel Exploitation Part 1: Getting Started With The HackSysTeam Extremely Vulnerable Driver
- Windows Kernel Exploitation Part 2: My First Kernel Exploit
- A Brief Introduction To Using Z3 With Python
- FuzzySecurity Tutorials🌟💬
- phoenhex team write-ups🌟💬
- Project Zero Issue Tracker🌟💬
- Flare-On Challenge Solutions: 2015
- Flare-On Challenge Solutions: 2016
- Exploiting a Firefox UAF with Shared Array Buffers
- Analysis and Exploitation of an ESET Vulnerability
- Attacking the Windows NVIDIA Driver
- Smashing Flare-On #2 with Concolic Testing
- Windows Kernel Resources💬
- Dennis Yurichev's Reversing Challenges
- Exploit Exercises🌟
- Flare-On Challenges
- Compiler Explorer🌟💬
- HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Windows Driver
- Trail of Bits: manticore
- Trail of Bits: mcsema💬
- QuarksLab: Triton
- UCSB: Angr
- CMU: Pharos
- CEA: miasm
- CEA: qira
Lista de recursos para aprender ingeniería inversa
Reviewed by Zion3R