BAF - Blind Attacking Framework
What is BAF ?
- it's a framework written in python [2.7] that is being made specially for blind attacking , ie : attacking random targets with common security issues , targets are generated by the hackers search engine "shodan" and vulnerable hosts are hacked in an automated way .
- this framework is completely "neutral" ie: it's not based on shodan API and it has total dependence on web scraping , ie: the only limit on what you can do with it is your immagination as a tester & our programming skills as contributers/owners .
- fire up a terminal and sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade
- install [ requests , httplib , urllib , time , bs4 "BeautifulSoup" , colored , selenium , sys ] python modules
- python
- enter your shodan's account username and pass
- choose 1 , let it do it's job , press y , close the previous tab , press y ,close the previous tabs ...etc till u have the vulnerable cams only
- choose 2 , enter what do u want to search for (ie: NSA) , when it's done , refer to the targets text file , it will contain the targets ip:port
- that's all , till now :)
- DON'T close a loading webpage
- beta versions will make automated browser open for better understanding ,but you can close the webcam tabs freely
BAF - Blind Attacking Framework
Reviewed by Zion3R