BlackArch Linux v2017.08.30 - Penetration Testing Distribution

BlackArch Linux is an Arch Linux-based distribution for penetration testers and security researchers. The repository contains 1859 tools. You can install tools individually or in groups. BlackArch Linux is compatible with existing Arch installs.


  • added more than 50 new tools
  • bugfix: (removed 'http:' for pgp keyserver)
  • updated blackarch installer to version 0.5.2 (update: sha1 sum of
  • include kernel 4.12.8
  • updated a lot of blackarch tools
  • updated all system packages
  • update all window manager menus (awesome, fluxbox, openbox)

Download and Installation

BlackArch Linux only takes a moment to setup.
There are three ways to go:

  1. Install on an existing Arch machine.
  2. Use the live ISO.
  3. The live ISO comes with an installer (blackarch-install). You can use the installer to install BlackArch to your hard disk.

BlackArch Linux v2017.08.30 - Penetration Testing Distribution BlackArch Linux v2017.08.30 - Penetration Testing Distribution Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:54 Rating: 5