Material de la DerbyCon 7.0 Legacy
Cortesía de Irongeek, ya tenemos disponibles los vídeos de la séptima edición de la conferencia DerbyCon que tuvo lugar los días 20 a 24 de septiembre en Kentucky. Otra buena oportunidad para aprender y disfrutar de muchas charlas, algunas tremendamente interesantes:
Keynotes y demás
Track 1
MitM Digital Subscriber Lines
Marcus Gruber & Marco Lux
Marcus Gruber & Marco Lux
Jumping the Fence: Comparison and Improvements for Existing Jump Oriented Programming Tools
John Dunlap
John Dunlap
Track 2
Steel Sharpens Steel: Using Red Teams to improve Blue Teams
Christopher Payne
(Not recorded)
Christopher Payne
(Not recorded)
Run your security program like a boss / practical governance advice
Justin Leapline & Rockie Brockway
Justin Leapline & Rockie Brockway
Track 3
Peekaboo! I Own You. Owning Hundreds of Thousands Vulnerable Devices with only two HTTP packets
Amit Serper
Amit Serper
Track 4
Advanced Threat Hunting
Robert Simmons
Robert Simmons
Would You Like To Play A Game: A Post Exploitation Journey in to z/OS
Philip Young aka Soldier of FORTRAN
Philip Young aka Soldier of FORTRAN
Charlas estables
DFIR Redefined
Russ McRee
Russ McRee
Shellcode Via VBScript/JScript Implications
Casey Smith
Casey Smith
Material de la DerbyCon 7.0 Legacy
Reviewed by Zion3R