ShadowSocks ConnecTion - A Wrapper Tool For Shadowsocks To Consistently Bypass Firewalls
A wrapper tool for shadowsocks to consistently bypass firewalls.
Quick start
Automatically connect
The easiest way to run this tool is just type
Connect to a specific server
First, show all ss servers by
1 Install shadowsocks
2 Install python3 modules
Configuration for google chrome
Configuration for firefox
More options
Quick start
Automatically connect
The easiest way to run this tool is just type
in terminal, and ssct will acquire available shadowsocks servers from ishadowsocks and connect to it automatically.Connect to a specific server
First, show all ss servers by
option.ssct --list
Then, connect to a specific server by -n
option.ssct -n 5
Alternatively, you can connect a custom server.ssct -s <server_addr> -p <server_port> -l <local_port> -k <password> -m <method>
1 Install shadowsocks
# for python2
pip install shadowsocks
# for python3
pip3 install shadowsocks
Note: You can also install shadowsocks with system package manager (apt, yum, dnf, etc) or just chrome app version shadowsocks. However, the chrom app version can't connect automatically.2 Install python3 modules
pip3 install requests
pip3 install prettytable
Note: The module prettytable
is optional, but would be better if installed.Configuration for google chrome
- Install chrome extension SwitchyOmega.
- Open the options of SwitchyOmega, and configure as below.
- List servers and select one to connect, or just type
to connect automatically.
- Select proxy option in chrome and enjoy it.
Configuration for firefox
- Install firefox extension AutoProxy.
- AotoProxy preferences: Proxy Server --> Edit proxy server, and add shadowsocks item.
- Start ssct and select the shadowsocks proxy.
More options
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
ssct options:
-n <num> connect server number
--ss <ss> path to shadowsocks, assumed in the PATH
--list list all ss servers
--stop stop running servers
--version show program's version number and exit
--morehelp show this help message and exit
shadowsocks options:
-c <config> path to config file
-s <addr> server address, auto crawl online
-p <port> server port, auto crawl online
-b <addr> local binding address [default:]
-l <port> local port [default: 1080]
-k <password> password, auto crawl online
-m <method> encryption method, auto crawl online
-t <timeout> timeout in seconds [default: 300]
--fast-open use TCP_FASTOPEN, requires Linux 3.7+
-d <daemon> daemon mode, one of start, stop and restart
--pid-file <file> pid file for daemon mode
--log-file <file> log file for daemon mode
--user <user> username to run as
-v, -vv verbose mode
-q, -qq quiet mode, only show warnings/errors
Connect to the available server automatically without any argument.Via:
ShadowSocks ConnecTion - A Wrapper Tool For Shadowsocks To Consistently Bypass Firewalls
Reviewed by Zion3R