Prithvi - A Report Generation Tool For Security Assessment

A Report Generation Tool for Security Assessment

This project of ours could be used for report generation and its very easy to use.
It includes following features
  1. We can add Owasp Types and recommendation with details.
  2. We can add Multiple Projects and work on it separately.
  3. We can add multiple vulnerabilities on different projects with proof of concept.
  4. On generating report it provides document file (.docx).
  5. Currently we are trying to add more facilities like Chart and will be updated soon.

  1. Create Database `reporting` in server (We used XAMPP).
  2. Import reporting.sql in your local server.
  3. Download complete source and extract node_modules.
  4. Run index.js and enjoy.
  5. Follow our blog for details

Technology Used
  1. Angularjs for frontend
  2. MySQL as Database
  3. NodeJS (ExpressJS) as our back end


More info at

Prithvi - A Report Generation Tool For Security Assessment Prithvi - A Report Generation Tool For Security Assessment Reviewed by Zion3R on 18:36 Rating: 5