pwnedOrNot - Tool To Find Passwords For Compromised Email Accounts Using HaveIBeenPwned API

pwnedOrNot is a python script which checks if the email account has been compromised in a data breach, if the email account is compromised it proceeds to find passwords for the compromised account.
It uses haveibeenpwned v2 api to test email accounts and searches for the password in Pastebin Dumps
This script has been tested on Kali Linux 18.2 and Ubuntu 18.04.

It's a pure python script and relies on common python modules and does not need installation :
  • os
  • re
  • time
  • json
  • requests

git clone
cd pwnedOrNot/

haveibeenpwned offers a lot of information about the compromised email, some useful information is displayed by this script:
  • Name of Breach
  • Domain Name
  • Date of Breach
  • Fabrication status
  • Verification Status
  • Retirement status
  • Spam Status
  • Source of Dump
  • ID of Dump
And with all this information pwnedOrNot can easily find passwords for compromised emails if the dump is accessible and it contains the password


pwnedOrNot - Tool To Find Passwords For Compromised Email Accounts Using HaveIBeenPwned API pwnedOrNot - Tool To Find Passwords For Compromised Email Accounts Using HaveIBeenPwned API Reviewed by Anónimo on 18:49 Rating: 5