Webkiller - Tool Information Gathering Write By Python.
Tool Information Gathering Write With Python.
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** WebSite : UltraSec.org **
** Channel : @UltraSecurity **
** Developers : Ashkan Moghaddas , Milad Ranjbar **
** Team Members : Abolfaz Hajizadeh , MrQadir **
** **
1 - Reverse IP With HackTarget
2 - Reverse IP With YouGetSignal
3 - Geo IP Lookup
4 - Whois
5 - Bypass CloudFlare
6 - DNS Lookup
7 - Find Shared DNS
8 - Show HTTP Header
9 - Port Scan
10 - CMS Scan
11 - Page Admin Finder
12 - Robots.txt
13 - Traceroute
14 - Honeypot Detector
15 - Ping
16 - All
17 - Exit
Enter :
Operating Systems Tested
- Kali Linux 2018.2
- Windows 10
git clone https://github.com/ultrasecurity/webkiller.git
cd webkiller
pip install -r requirements.txt
python webkiller.py
- WebSite Ultra Security Team : https://ultrasec.org
- Channel Telegram : https://t.me/UltraSecurity
Via: feedproxy.google.com
Webkiller - Tool Information Gathering Write By Python.
Reviewed by Anónimo