SecureTea Project - The Purpose Of This Application Is To Warn The User (Via Various Communication Mechanisms) Whenever Their Laptop Accessed

Small IoT (Internet of Things) to notify users via Twitter, whenever someone accesses their laptop. This application uses the touchpad/mouse/wireless mouse to determine activity and is developed in Python and tested on Linux.
The purpose of this application is to warn the user (via various communication mechanisms) whenever their laptop accessed. This small application was developed and tested in python in Linux machine is likely to work well on the Raspberry Pi as well.

Target User:
It was written to be used by anyone who is interested in Security IOT (Internet of Things) and still needs further development.
How it functions:
  • Keep track of the movement of the mouse/touchpad
  • Detect who access the laptop with mouse/touchpad is installed
  • Send warning messages on Twitter

To alert the user via Twitter, whenever his/her laptop had been accessed by someone. And also it can be used to monitor your system

  • Linux OS / Raspberry Pi - have sudo access on the terminal/console
  • Mouse / Wireless Mouse / Touchpad congenital laptop
  • The Twitter application is already installed on the Mobile phones (Optional)
II. Software :

Procedure Installation :
  1. Python and python-setuptools must be installed. (If not already installed: sudo apt-get install python python-setuptools)
  2. Download/Clone repository from:
  • git clone
  1. Install SecureTea package:
  • cd SecureTea-Project
  • python install
  1. Install python dependencies/ requirements
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Open the "securetea.conf" in your home directory (~/.securetea/securetea.conf) with a text editor and edit the following variables :
Copy/Paste API KEY and TOKEN from Twitter apps
"api_key": "XXXX",
"api_secret_key": "XXXX",
"access_token": "XXXX",
"access_token_secret": "XXXX",
"username": "XXXX"
  1. Optionally in "securetea.conf" You can set debug = true to enable the console log (default: enabled). or set debug = false to disable logging to console.
  2. Install Mouse / Wireless Mouse Touchpad if not functioning properly (Linux / macOS / Raspberry Pi machine).
  3. Okay, Run program -> sudo or more -> -h
  4. Notice a WELCOME_MSG Like this: [Core] [ 2018-08-30 16:50 ] Info : Welcome to SecureTea..!! Initializing System
  5. laptop access by moving the mouse/touchpad to see the cumulative X and Y coordinates on the console. If you have a twitter app installed on your phone, you can get updates on the "message" from your twitter account.
  6. Checks Alert message on the console and on twitter your inbox. [Core] [ 2018-08-30 16:50 ] Warn : (3) : Someone has access your laptop when
  7. If you want to monitor your system from a webapp,
  • cd gui
  • npm install
  • ng serve
  1. Click new tab terminal and type -> sudo python
  2. Go to http://localhost:4200 to view your project. END-POINT type http://localhost:5000 and click SIGN IN. 

Getting Twitter Tokens:

Tested on:

For Suggestions and Contributing :

  1. Notify by Twitter (done)
  2. Securetea Dashboard / Gui (done)
  3. Securetea Protection /firewall
  4. Securetea Antivirus
  5. Notify by Whatsapp
  6. Notify by SMS Alerts
  7. Notify by Line
  8. Notify by Telegram

SecureTea Project - The Purpose Of This Application Is To Warn The User (Via Various Communication Mechanisms) Whenever Their Laptop Accessed SecureTea Project - The Purpose Of This Application Is To Warn The User (Via Various Communication Mechanisms) Whenever Their Laptop Accessed Reviewed by Anónimo on 17:50 Rating: 5