Hashcatch - Capture Handshakes Of Nearby WiFi Networks Automatically

Hashcatch deauthenticates clients connected to all nearby WiFi networks and tries to capture the handshakes. It can be used in any linux device including Raspberry Pi and Nethunter devices so that you can capture handshakes while walking your dog
Written by @SivaneshAshok

PoC of hashcatch (running with a couple of WiFi networks within range)

Setting up
  1. ./setup.sh
  2. Enter the interface that can be switched to monitor mode
  3. The script will install the prerequisites

sudo ./hashcatch.sh
  • The script runs indefinitely until keyboard interrupt
  • If you're targeting a wifi network, spend around 20 to 30 seconds within the wifi's range to ensure handshake capture
  • Handshakes captured will be stored in handshakes/ directory
  • The captured WiFi network's BSSID and ESSID will be stored in db file
  • [Experimental] If you are connected to the internet while capturing, the following data will also be added to the db file
    • latitude
    • longitude
    • signal radius
    • time of record
    • Note: Kudos to Alexander Mylnikov for the API he's running that returns the location details of a router's MAC address using public databases

The "config" file
  • The config file will be generated by the setup.sh script
  • You can later edit the "interface" field to set the interface of your choice
  • You can also add an "ignore" field to mention the WiFi networks you want hashcatch to ignore while running
  • Refer the example given below to know about the format in which entries should be added to config file

Format of config file
option name=option1,option2,option3
No space in between option name, equal sign and options
ignore=Google Starbucks,AndroidAP

Features to be added
  • PMKID attack
  • Pixiedust attack for WPS enabled networks
  • More location features
  • Automatically check handshakes with a rainbow table
PS: Even though I was working on this script few days before @evilsocket posted about his pwnagotchi, his work has definitely been an inspiration for this project!

Via: feedproxy.google.com
Hashcatch - Capture Handshakes Of Nearby WiFi Networks Automatically Hashcatch - Capture Handshakes Of Nearby WiFi Networks Automatically Reviewed by Anónimo on 9:07 Rating: 5