Mallory - HTTP/HTTPS Proxy Over SSH

HTTP/HTTPS proxy over SSH.

  • Local machine: go get
  • Remote server: need our old friend sshd


Config file
Default path is $HOME/.config/mallory.json, can be set when start program
mallory -config path/to/config.json
  • id_rsa is the path to our private key file, can be generated by ssh-keygen
  • local_smart is the local address to serve HTTP proxy with smart detection of destination host
  • local_normal is similar to local_smart but send all traffic through remote SSH server without destination host detection
  • remote is the remote address of SSH server
  • blocked is a list of domains that need use proxy, any other domains will connect to their server directly
"id_rsa": "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa",
"local_smart": ":1315",
"local_normal": ":1316",
"remote": "ssh://[email protected]:22",
"blocked": [
Blocked list in config file will be reloaded automatically when updated, and you can do it manually:
# send signal to reload
kill -USR2 <pid of mallory>

# or use reload command by sending http request
mallory -reload

System config
  • Set both HTTP and HTTPS proxy to localhost with port 1315 to use with block list
  • Set env var http_proxy and https_proxy to localhost:1316 for terminal usage

Get the right suffix name for a domain
mallory -suffix

A simple command to forward all traffic for the given port
# install it: go get

# all traffic through port 20022 will be forwarded to
forward -network tcp -listen :20022 -forward

# you can ssh to destination:22 through localhost:20022
ssh [email protected] -p 20022

  • return http error when unable to dial
  • add host to list automatically when unable to dial
  • support multiple remote servers

Mallory - HTTP/HTTPS Proxy Over SSH Mallory - HTTP/HTTPS Proxy Over SSH Reviewed by Anónimo on 18:20 Rating: 5