DalFox (Finder Of XSS) - Parameter Analysis And XSS Scanning Tool Based On Golang

Finder Of XSS, and Dal is the Korean pronunciation of moon.

What is DalFox
Just, XSS Scanning and Parameter Analysis tool. I previously developed XSpear, a ruby-based XSS tool, and this time, a full change occurred during the process of porting with golang!!! and created it as a new project. The basic concept is to analyze parameters, find XSS, and verify them based on DOM Parser.
I talk about naming. Dal(달) is the Korean pronunciation of moon and fox was made into Fox(Find Of XSS).

Key features
  • Paramter Analysis (find reflected parameter, find free/bad characters, Identification of injection point)
  • Static Analysis (Check Bad-header like CSP, X-Frame-optiopns, etc.. with base request/response base)
  • Optimization query of payloads
    • Check the injection point through abstraction and generated the fit payload.
    • Eliminate unnecessary payloads based on badchar
  • XSS Scanning and DOM Base Verifying
  • All test payloads(build-in, your custom/blind) are tested in parallel with the encoder.
    • Support to Double URL Encoder
    • Support to HTML Hex Encoder
  • Friendly Pipeline (single url, from file, from IO)
  • And the various options required for the testing :D
    • built-in / custom grepping for find other vulnerability
    • if you found, after action
    • etc..

How to Install
There are a total of three ways to Personally, I recommend go install.

Developer version (go-get or go-install)
  1. clone this repo
$ git clone https://github.com/hahwul/dalfox
  1. install in cloned dalfox path
$ go install
  1. using dalfox
$ ~/go/bin/dalfox
  1. go get dalfox!
$ go get -u github.com/hahwul/dalfox
  1. using dalfox
$ ~/go/bin/dalfox

Release version
  1. Open latest release page https://github.com/hahwul/dalfox/releases/latest
  2. Download file Download and extract the file that fits your OS.
  3. You can put it in the execution directory and use it. e.g
$ cp dalfox /usr/bin/

    _..._    .' .::::.   __   _   _    ___ _ __ __   :  :::::::: |  \ / \ | |  | __/ \\ V /   :  :::::::: | o ) o || |_ | _( o )) (   '. '::::::' |__/|_n_||___||_| \_//_n_\     '-.::''  Parameter Analysis and XSS Scanning tool based on golang  Finder Of XSS and Dal is the Korean pronunciation of moon. @hahwul      Usage:    dalfox [command]    Available Commands:    file        Use file mode(targets list or rawdata)    help        Help about any command    pipe        Use pipeline mode    url         Use single target mode    version     Show version    Flags:    -b, --blind string            Add your blind xss (e.g -b https://hahwul.xss.ht)        --config string           Using config from file    -C, --cookie string           Add custom cookie        --custom-payload string   Add custom payloads from file    -d, --data string             Using POST Method and add Body data        --delay int               Milliseconds between send to same host (1000==1s)        --found-action string     If found weak/vuln, action(cmd) to next        --grep string             Using custom grepping file (e.g --grep ./samples/sample_grep.json)    -H, --header string           Add custom headers    -h, --help                    help for dalfox        --only-discovery          Only testing parameter analysis    -o, --output string           Write to output file        --output-format string    -o/--output 's format (txt/json/xml)    -p, --param string            Only testing selected parameters        --proxy string            Send all request to proxy server (e.g --proxy        --silence                 Not printing all logs        --timeout int             Second of timeout (default 10)        --user-agent string       Add custom UserAgent    -w, --worker int              Number of worker (default 40)  
.' .::::. __ _ _ ___ _ __ __
: :::::::: | \ / \ | | | __/ \\ V /
: :::::::: | o ) o || |_ | _( o )) (
'. '::::::' |__/|_n_||___||_| \_//_n_\
Parameter Analysis and XSS Scanning tool based on golang
Finder Of XSS and Dal is the Korean pronunciation of moon. @hahwul

dalfox [command]

Available Commands:
file Use file mode(targets list or rawdata)
help Help about any command
pipe Use pipeline mode
url Use single target mode
version Show version

-b, --blind string Add your blind xss (e.g -b https://hahwul.xss.ht)
--config string Using config from file
-C, --cookie string Add custom cookie
--custom-payload string Add custom payloads from file
-d, --data string Using POST Method and add Body data
--delay int Milliseconds between send to same host (1000==1s)
--found-action string If found weak/vuln, action(cmd) to next
--grep string Using custom grepping file (e.g --grep ./samples/sample_grep.json)
-H, --header string Add custom headers
-h, --help help for dalfox
--only-discovery Only testing parameter analysis
-o, --output string Write to output file
--output-format string -o/--output 's format (txt/json/xml)
-p, --param string Only testing selected parameters
--proxy string Send all request to proxy server (e.g --proxy
--silence Not printing all logs
--timeout int Second of timeout (default 10)
--user-agent string Add custom UserAgent
-w, --worker int Number of worker (default 40)
Single target mode
$ dalfox url http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php\?cat\=123\&artist\=123\&asdf\=ff -b https://hahwul.xss.ht  
Multiple target mode from file
$ dalfox file urls_file --custom-payload ./mypayloads.txt  
Pipeline mode
$ cat urls_file | dalfox pipe -H "AuthToken: bbadsfkasdfadsf87"  
Other tips, See wiki for detailed instructions!


Via: feedproxy.google.com
DalFox (Finder Of XSS) - Parameter Analysis And XSS Scanning Tool Based On Golang DalFox (Finder Of XSS) - Parameter Analysis And XSS Scanning Tool Based On Golang Reviewed by Anónimo on 8:36 Rating: 5