URLBrute - Tool To Brute Website Sub-Domains And Dirs

What is this
URLBrute is a tool to help you brute forcing website sub-domains and dirs.
Can be used with python3 and python2.

  • urlbrute.py
    • requests >= 2.21.0
    • bs4 >= 0.0.1
    • datetime >= 4.3

How to install
In Linux:
chmod +x install.sh
sudo ./install.sh
In Windows, install python 3.7, then run cmd as administrator:

Credits to danTaler who created the wordlists.

Via: feedproxy.google.com
URLBrute - Tool To Brute Website Sub-Domains And Dirs URLBrute - Tool To Brute Website Sub-Domains And Dirs Reviewed by Anónimo on 9:05 Rating: 5