Colabcat - Running Hashcat On Google Colab With Session Backup And Restore

Run Hashcat on Google Colab with session restore capabilities with Google Drive.

  • Go to the link below to open a copy of the colabcat.ipynb file in Google Colab:
  • Click on Runtime, Change runtime type, and set Hardware accelerator to GPU.
  • Go to your Google Drive and create a directory called dothashcat, with a hashes subdirectory where you can store hashes.
  • Come back to Google Colab, click on Runtime and then Run all.
  • When it asks for a Google Drive token, go to the link it provides and authenticate with your Google Account to get the token.
  • You can edit the last few cells in the notebook to customize the wordlists it downloads and the type of hash it cracks. A full list of these can be found here.
  • If needed, simply type !bash in a new cell to get access to an interactive shell on the Google Colab instance.

How it works
Colabcat creates a symbolic link between the dothashcat folder in your Google Drive and the /root/.hashcat folder on the Google Colab session.
This enables seamless session restore even if your Google Colab gets disconnected or you hit the time limit for a single session, by syncing the .restore, .log and the .potfile files across Google Colab sessions by storing them in your Google Drive.

The benchmarks directory in this repository lists .txt files with hashcat benchmarks run with hashcat -b. The list of known Google Colab GPUs are listed below. An up to date list can be found in the Colab FAQ.
  • Nvidia Tesla K80
  • Nvidia Tesla T4
  • Nvidia Tesla P4
  • Nvidia Tesla P100

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Colabcat - Running Hashcat On Google Colab With Session Backup And Restore Colabcat - Running Hashcat On Google Colab With Session Backup And Restore Reviewed by Anónimo on 17:38 Rating: 5