Hacktory Platform Packed With New Game-Playing Features

Without practice, theory is dead. Applied knowledge is essential in any area, especially in cybersecurity, and practice is the only way to make learning worthwhile.

There are so many courses to fit any demand. However, boring lectures, outdated textbooks, and vague, complex tasks become obstacles even for the most ambitious student.

Motivation is what pushes us towards a goal, and that's where gamification comes in. Gamification is a training methodology that helps to solve real issues and apply your knowledge immediately in practice, learn new skills, build independence, and motivate students. This tool allows the use of playful techniques in non-entertainment environments such as education or work.

One learning context for all

Cybersecurity professionals often have to think on their feet in stressful situations. Gamification, applied to immersive simulated training, has several benefits for skill development in cybersecurity. It helps employees learn to solve real-life problems while keeping them engaged, focused, and motivated. It also creates a more effective workplace. With improved interaction between co-workers, mundane tasks suddenly become competitive, which boosts overall performance. Ultimately, gamification makes employees feel happier in their roles, reduces churn, and improves productivity. 

A gamified learning process helps students understand complex topics and apply new knowledge immediately to write good-working code, find vulnerabilities, and fix them. What is equally important, the students can see their mistakes and correct them in real time. The opportunity to break into the top, solve practice assignments faster than others and set new records is an important component of the learning process, which keeps people motivated and hungry for more information and skills.

Game-based platform

Hacktory is a gamified platform for cybersecurity training that emulates real cases to teach ethical hacking techniques.

Hacktory grows and continues to evolve. Red and Blue teams did their best for prospective users and created courses in Web Security and Java Secure Programming. Premium access to the platform includes both of these courses, so your opportunities double. You can take two exams and get two certificates. 

The team has developed and improved not only the content but also the functionality to make the immersion in the cyber world more realistic.

The personal page is your claim to fame 

All necessary information concerning user activity is summarized in one place, including a list of active courses, success rates, and the number of points earned. 
  • Track your position on the leaderboard right here. Scores are a quantitative indicator of your success. Make progress, earn more points, and get to the top!
  • Collect hackcoins and exchange them for different items, including hints. The page displays the number of earned coins and hints.
  • There's always room for art. The platform creates individual skill graphs for your courses based on the received awards and completed practice assignments. What's your choice – attack or defense? Look at your strengths in cybersecurity and the skills you need to boost. 
  • Monitor your course progress and make plans for the next week or month.
The personal page is your identity. Share your achievements with friends on social media!

How good are you at cybersecurity?

A page with the results of practice assignments is available to all users.

Once an assignment is submitted, you can look at your results and estimate the time and effort it took to solve the problem. You can instantly see the stats: spent time, hints used, and earned hackcoins. The platform compares your results with those of other users, motivating you to stay ahead. 

Referral program

The most recent update introduces the referral program. 

Now, every user has a unique link that they can easily share with others wishing to join Hacktory. The platform will generously reward users with hackcoins, which can buy premium access.

Learning should be available to everyone, so access to courses is simplified and has no time limits for free access. It remains with you forever.

Hacktory is committed to sharing cybersecurity knowledge and experience and is open to partnering with organizations and universities. Hacktory's cybersecurity experts deliver regular webinars and workshops in Java and web application security, focusing on practical tasks. Stay tuned and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, and do not miss bug bounty tips, valuable materials, free webinars, and enjoyable contests.

Via: feedproxy.google.com
Hacktory Platform Packed With New Game-Playing Features Hacktory Platform Packed With New Game-Playing Features Reviewed by Anónimo on 8:40 Rating: 5