OSV - Open Source Vulnerability DB And Triage Service

OSV is a vulnerability database and triage infrastructure for open source projects aimed at helping both open source maintainers and consumers of open source.

For open source maintainers, OSV's automation helps reduce the burden of triage. Each vulnerability undergoes automated bisection and impact analysis to determine precise affected commit and version ranges.

For open source consumers, OSV provides an API that lets users of these projects query whether or not their versions are impacted.

Current data sources:

This is an ongoing project. We are hoping to work with the open source community to onboard more sources of data.

Viewing the web UI

An instance of OSV's web UI is deployed at https://osv.dev.

Using the API
  curl -X POST -d \      '{"commit": "6879efc2c1596d11a6a6ad296f80063b558d5e0f"}' \      "https://api.osv.dev/v1/query?key=$API_KEY"  curl -X POST -d \      '{"version": "1.0.0", "package": {"name": "foo", "ecosystem": "bar"}}' \      "https://api.osv.dev/v1/query?key=$API_KEY"

Detailed documentation for using the API can be found at https://osv.dev/docs/.


You can find an overview of OSV's architecture here.

This repository

This repository contains all the code for running OSV on GCP. This consists of:

  • API server (gcp/api)
  • Web interface (gcp/appengine)
  • Workers for bisection and impact analysis (docker/worker)
  • Sample tools (tools)

You'll need to check out submodules as well for many local building steps to work:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Contributions are welcome! We also have a mailing list and a FAQ.

Via: feedproxy.google.com
OSV - Open Source Vulnerability DB And Triage Service OSV - Open Source Vulnerability DB And Triage Service Reviewed by Anónimo on 8:39 Rating: 5