Lazy-RDP - Script For AutomRDPatic Scanning And Brute-Force

Script For AutomRDPatic Scanning And Brute-Force.

Demo Video:

Lazy-RDP over SSH:

  • Script for automatic scanning of the address list for the presence of open 3389 ports, and then selecting the method and starting busting pair login / password.

  • The script is tuned for Kali linux 2.0, Kali linux 2016.2 и Kali linux 2017.1, 2017.2 systems and higher versions .

  • To work correctly, the script requires the establishment: masscan, curl and FreeRDP.

  • The current version is 1.32.

  • Added: support XFCE, support Parrot Security OS, auto-update, scanner selection (Nmap) from the list, to scan local addresses from the range of, the ability to specify the scanned port. Fixed bug of false positives. Fixed a crash bug when selecting a script of some countries from the list. Fixed a bug with incorrect paths. Added English. Fixed a bug with brute force menu. Completely changed the tool to brute force. Added Hydra 9.0. Added function to automatically detect the operating system language. Optimized script code. Added automatic installation and configuration dependencies (freerdp-X11, freerdp2-x11, masscan) to work correctly in the "SANA" and "ROLLING". Added a feature to st art the script with X11_OVER_SSH.

  • Setting

    git clone Lazy-RDP && chmod +x hydra/configure hydra/hydra src/ start INSTALL
  • Installing dependencies

  • Running the script



This script must be used only for educational purposes and Pentesting.
Use it only on your own networks.
Author is not responsible of its use.

Supported Languages

Russian & English.

Lazy-RDP - Script For AutomRDPatic Scanning And Brute-Force Lazy-RDP - Script For AutomRDPatic Scanning And Brute-Force Reviewed by Anónimo on 8:40 Rating: 5