ColdFire - Golang Malware Development Library
Golang malware development framework
ColdFire provides various methods useful for malware development in Golang.
Most functions are compatible with both Linux and Windows operating systems.
go get
Types of functions included
- Logging
- Auxiliary
- Reconnaissance
- Evasion
- Administration
- Sandbox detection
- Disruptive
Logging functions
func F(s string, arg ...interface{}) string Alias for fmt.Sprintffunc PrintGood(msg string) Print good status messagefunc PrintInfo(msg string) Print info status messagefunc PrintError(msg string) Print error status message func PrintWarning(msg string) Print warning status message
Auxiliary functions
func FileToSlice(file string) []string Read from file and return slice with lines delimited with newline.func Contains(s interface{}, elem interface{}) bool Check if interface type contains another interface type.func StrToInt(string_integer string) int Convert string to int.func IntToStr(i int) string Converts int to string. func IntervalToSeconds(interval string) int Converts given time interval to seconds.func RandomInt(min int, max int) int Returns a random int from range.func RandomSelectStr(list []string) string Returns a random selection from slice of strings. func RandomSelectInt(list []int) int Returns a random selection from slice of ints. func RandomSelectStrNested(list [][]string) []string Returns a random selection from nested string slice.func RemoveNewlines(s string) string Removes "\n" and "\r" characters from string.func FullRemove(str string, to_remove string) string Removes all occurences of substring.func RemoveDuplicatesStr(slice []string) []string Removes duplicates from string slice.func RemoveDuplicatesInt(slice []int) []int Removes duplicates from int slice.func ContainsAny(str string, elements []string) bool Returns true if slice contains a string.func RandomString(n int) string Generates random string of length [n]func ExitOnError(e error) Handle errorsfunc Md5Hash(str string) string Returns MD5 checksum of a stringfunc MakeZip(zip_file string, files []string) error Creates a zip archive from a list of filesfunc ReadFile(filename string) (string, error) Read contents of a file.func WriteFile(filename string) error Write contents to a file.func B64d(str string) string Returns a base64 decoded stringfunc B64e(str string) string Returns a base64 encoded stringfunc FileExists(file string) bool Check if file exists. func ParseCidr(cidr string) ([]string, error) Returns a slice containing all possible IP addresses in the given range.
Reconnaissance functions
wireless interface and it's MAC address. func Ifaces() []string Returns slice containing names of all local interfaces. func Disks() ([]string, error) Lists local storage devices func Users() []string, err Returns list of known users. func Info() map[string]string Returns basic system information. Possible fields: username, hostname, go_os, os, platform, cpu_num, kernel, core, local_ip, ap_ip, global_ip, mac. If the field cannot be resolved, it defaults to "N/A" value. func DnsLookup(hostname string) ([]string, error) Performs DNS lookup func RdnsLookup(ip string) ([]string, error) Performs reverse DNS lookup func HostsPassive(interval string) []string, err Passively discovers active hosts on a network using ARP monitoring. Discovery time can be changed using <interval> argument. func FilePermissions(filename string) (bool,bool) Checks if file has read and write permissions. func Portscan(target string, timeout, threads int) []int Returns list of open ports on target. func PortscanSingle(target string, port int) bool Returns true if selected port is open. func BannerGrab(target string, port int) (string, error) Grabs a service banner string from a given port. func Networks() ([]string, error) Returns list of nearby wireless networks. ">
func GetLocalIp() string Returns a local IP address of the machine.func GetGlobalIp() string Returns a global IP address of the machine. func IsRoot() bool Check if user has administrative privilleges. func Processes() (map[int]string, error) Returns all processes' PIDs and their corresponding names.func Iface() string, string Returns name of currently used wireless interface and it's MAC address. func Ifaces() []string Returns slice containing names of all local interfaces. func Disks() ([]string, error) Lists local storage devices func Users() []string, err Returns list of known users.func Info() map[string]string Returns basic system information. Possible fields: username, hostname, go_os, os, platform, cpu_num, kernel, core, local_ip, ap_ip, global_ip, mac. If the field cannot be resolved, it defaults to "N/A" value. func DnsLookup(hostname string) ([]string, error) Performs DNS lookupfunc RdnsLookup(ip string) ([]string, error) Performs reverse DNS lookupfunc HostsPassive(interval string) []string, err Passively discovers active hosts on a network using ARP monitoring. Discovery time can be changed using <interval> argument. func FilePermissions(filename string) (bool,bool) Checks if file has read and write permissions. func Portscan(target string, timeout, threads int) []int Returns list of open ports on target.func PortscanSingle(target string, port int) bool Returns true if selected port is open. func BannerGrab(target string, port int) (string, error) Grabs a service banner string from a given port. func Networks() ([]string, error) Returns list of nearby wireless ne tworks.
Administration functions
func CmdOut(command string) string, error Execute a command and return it's output.func CmdOutPlatform(commands map[string]string) (string, error) Executes commands in platform-aware mode. For example, passing {"windows":"dir", "linux":"ls"} will execute different command, based on platform the implant was launched on.func CmdRun(command string) Unlike cmd_out(), cmd_run does not return anything, and prints output and error to STDOUT.func CmdDir(dirs_cmd map[string]string) ([]string, error) Executes commands in directory-aware mode. For example, passing {"/etc" : "ls"} will execute command "ls" under /etc directory.func CmdBlind(command string) Run command without supervision, do not print any output. func CreateUser(username, password string) error Creates a new user on the system. func Bind(port int) Run a bind shell on a given port.func Reverse(host string, port int) Run a reverse shell.func SendDataTcp(host string, port int, data string) error Sends string to a remote host using TCP protocol.func SendDataUdp(host string, port int, data string) error Sends string to a remote host using UDP protocol. func Download(url string) error Downloads a file from url and save it under the same name.func CopyFile(src string, dst string) error Copy a file from one place to anotherfunc CurrentDirFiles() []string, error Returns list of files from current directory
Evasion functions
func PkillPid(pid int) error Kill process by PID.func PkillName(name string) errror Kill all processes that contain [name].func PkillAv() err Kill most common AV processes. func Wait(interval string) Does nothing for a given interval of time.func Remove() Removes binary from the host. func SetTtl(interval string) Set time-to-live of the binary. Should be launched as goroutine. func ClearLogs() error Clears most system logs.
Sandbox detection functions
func SandboxFilepath() bool Detect sandbox by looking for common sandbox filepaths. Compatible only with windows.func SandboxProc() bool Detect sandbox by looking for common sandbox processes.func SandboxSleep() bool Detect sandbox by looking for sleep-accelleration mechanism.func SandboxDisk(size int) bool Detect sandbox by looking for abnormally small disk size.func SandboxCpu(cores int) bool Detect sandbox by looking for abnormally small number of cpu cores.func SandboxRam(ram_mb int) bool Detect sandbox by looking for abnormally small amount of RAM.func SandboxMac() bool Detect sandbox by looking for sandbox-specific MAC address of the localhost. func SandboxUtc() bool Detect sandbox by looking for properly set UTC time zone. func SandboxProcnum(proc_num int) bool Detect sandbox if small number of running p rocessesfunc SandboxTmp(entries int) bool Detect sandbox if small number of entries under remporary dirfunc SandboxAll() bool Detect sandbox using all sandbox detection methods. Returns true if any sandbox-detection method returns true. func SandboxAll_n(num int) bool Detect sandbox using all sandbox detection methods. Returns true if at least <num> detection methods return true.
Disruptive functions
func WifiDisconnect() error Disconnects from wireless access point func Wipe() error Wipes out entire filesystem. func EraseMbr(device string, partition_table bool) error Erases MBR sector of a device. If <partition_table> is true, erases also partition table. func Forkbomb() Runs a forkbomb. func Shutdown() error Reboot the machine.
Developers are not responsible for any misuse regarding this tool. Use it only against systems that you are permitted to attack.
ColdFire - Golang Malware Development Library
Reviewed by Anónimo