Cariddi - Take A List Of Domains, Crawl Urls And Scan For Endpoints, Secrets, Api Keys, File Extensions, Tokens And More...

Take a list of domains, crawl urls and scan for endpoints, secrets, api keys, file extensions, tokens and more...



You need Go.

  • Linux

    • git clone
    • cd cariddi
    • go get
    • make linux (to install)
    • make unlinux (to uninstall)

    Or in one line: git clone; cd cariddi; go get; make linux

  • Windows (executable works only in cariddi folder.)

    • git clone
    • cd cariddi
    • go get
    • .\make.bat windows (to install)
    • .\make.bat unwindows (to uninstall)

Get Started

cariddi -h prints the help in the command line.

Usage of cariddi:  -c int    	Concurrency level. (default 20)  -cache	Use the .cariddi_cache folder as cache.  -d int    	Delay between a page crawled and another.  -e	Hunt for juicy endpoints.  -ef string    	Use an external file (txt, one per line) to use custom parameters for endpoints hunting.  -examples    	Print the examples.  -ext int    	Hunt for juicy file extensions. Integer from 1(juicy) to 7(not juicy).  -h	Print the help.  -i string    	Ignore the URL containing at least one of the elements of this array.  -it string    	Ignore the URL containing at least one of the lines of this file.  -oh string    	Write the output into an HTML file.  -ot string    	Write the output into a TXT file.  -plain    	Print only the results.  -s	Hunt for secrets.  -sf string    	Use an external file (txt, one per line) to use custom regexes for s   ecrets hunting.  -version    	Print the version.

  • cariddi -version (Print the version)

  • cariddi -h (Print the help)

  • cariddi -examples (Print the examples)

  • cat urls | cariddi -s (Hunt for secrets)

  • cat urls | cariddi -d 2 (2 seconds between a page crawled and another)

  • cat urls | cariddi -c 200 (Set the concurrency level to 200)

  • cat urls | cariddi -e (Hunt for juicy endpoints)

  • cat urls | cariddi -plain (Print only useful things)

  • cat urls | cariddi -ot target_name (Results in txt file)

  • cat urls | cariddi -oh target_name (Results in html file)

  • cat urls | cariddi -ext 2 (Hunt for juicy (level 2 of 7) files)

  • cat urls | cariddi -e -ef endpoints_file (Hunt for custom endpoints)

  • cat urls | cariddi -s -sf secrets_file (Hunt for custom secrets)

  • cat urls | cariddi -i forum,blog,community,open (Ignore urls containing these words)

  • cat urls | cariddi -it ignore_file (Ignore urls containing at least one line in the input file)

  • cat urls | cariddi -cache (Use the .cariddi_cache folder as cache.)

  • For Windows use powershell.exe -Command "cat urls | .\cariddi.exe"


Just open an issue/pull request. See also and CODE OF

Help me building this!

A special thanks to:

To do:

  • Tests

  • Tor support

  • Proxy support

  • Ignore specific types of urls

  • Plain output (print only results)

  • HTML output

  • Build an Input Struct and use it as parameter

  • Output color

  • Endpoints (parameters) scan

  • Secrets scan

  • Extensions scan

  • TXT output

Cariddi - Take A List Of Domains, Crawl Urls And Scan For Endpoints, Secrets, Api Keys, File Extensions, Tokens And More... Cariddi - Take A List Of Domains, Crawl Urls And Scan For Endpoints, Secrets, Api Keys, File Extensions, Tokens And More... Reviewed by Anónimo on 8:41 Rating: 5