SANS Top 10 Free Resources

Este es un listado de los artículos y herramientas más populares publicas de forma gratuita por SANS.

Top 10 Blogs

  1. CIS Controls v8
  2. The Ultimate List of SANS Cheat Sheets
  3. Getting Started in Cybersecurity with a Non-Technical Background
  4. Must-Have Free Resources for Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)
  5. How you can start learning malware analysis
  6. What you need to know about the SolarWinds Supply Chain Attack
  7. Time for password Expiration to Die
  8. Intro to Report Writing for Digital Forensics
  9. A Step-by-step Intro to using the autopsy forensic browser
  10. Forensics 101 – Acquiring an image with FTK image

Top 10 Open-Source Tools

  1. SIFT Workstation VM Appliance
  2. EZ Tools
  3. Slingshot Community Edition
  4. SOF-ELK®
  5. The Pyramid of Pain
  6. REMnux®
  7. Risk Definitions
  8. NIST CSF+
  9. Human Metrics Matrix
  10. Timeline Explorer
  11. Ver todas las herramientas

Fuente: SANS

SANS Top 10 Free Resources SANS Top 10 Free Resources Reviewed by Anónimo on 9:04 Rating: 5