Autotimeliner - Automagically Extract Forensic Timeline From Volatile Memory Dump

Automagically extract forensic timeline from volatile memory dumps.


  • Python 3
  • Volatility
  • mactime (from SleuthKit)

(Developed and tested on Debian 9.6 with Volatility 2.6-1 and sleuthkit 4.4.0-5)

How it works

AutoTimeline automates this workflow:

  • Identify correct volatility profile for the memory image.
  • Runs the timeliner plugin against volatile memory dump using volatility.
  • Runs the mftparser volatility plugin, in order to extract $MFT from memory and generate a bodyfile.
  • Runs the shellbags volatility plugin in order to generate a bodyfile of the user activity. (suggested by Matteo Cantoni).
  • Merges the timeliner, mftparser and shellbags output files into a single bodyfile.
  • Sorts and filters the bodyfile using mactime and exports data as CSV.


Simply clone the GitHub repository:

git clone


Memory dump file -t TIMEFRAME, --timeframe TIMEFRAME Timeframe used to filter the timeline (YYYY-MM-DD ..YYYY-MM-DD) -p CUSTOMPROFILE, --customprofile CUSTOMPROFILE Jump image identification and use a custom memory profile"> [-h] -f IMAGEFILE [-t TIMEFRAME] [-p CUSTOMPROFILE]optional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -f IMAGEFILE, --imagefile IMAGEFILE                        Memory dump file  -t TIMEFRAME, --timeframe TIMEFRAME                        Timeframe used to filter the timeline (YYYY-MM-DD                        ..YYYY-MM-DD)  -p CUSTOMPROFILE, --customprofile CUSTOMPROFILE                        Jump image identification and use a custom memory                        profile


Extract timeline from TargetServerMemory.raw, limited to a timeframe from 2018-10-17 to 2018-10-21:

./ -f TargetServerMemory.raw -t 2018-10-17..2018-10-21

Extract timeline from all images in current directory, limited to a timeframe from 2018-10-17 to 2018-10-21:

./ -f ./*.raw -t 2018-10-17..2018-10-21

Extract timeline from TargetServerMemory.raw, using a custom memory profile:

./ -f TargetServerMemory.raw -p Win2008R2SP1x64

All timelines will be saved as $ORIGINALFILENAME-timeline.csv.


  • Better image identification
  • Better error trapping

Autotimeliner - Automagically Extract Forensic Timeline From Volatile Memory Dump Autotimeliner - Automagically Extract Forensic Timeline From Volatile Memory Dump Reviewed by Anónimo on 8:40 Rating: 5