LDAP Shell - AD ACL Abuse

This repository contains a small tool inherited from ldap_shell (https://github.com/SecureAuthCorp/impacket/blob/master/impacket/examples/ldap_shell.py).


These tools are only compatible with Python 3.5+. Clone the repository from GitHub, install the dependencies and you should be good to go:

git clone https://github.com/z-Riocool/ldap_shell.gitcd ldap_shellpython3 setup.py install


Connection options

ldap_shell domain.local/user:passwordldap_shell domain.local/user:password -dc-ip domain.local/user -hashes aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404e1export KRB5CCNAME=/home/user/ticket.ccacheldap_shell -k -no-pass domain.local/user


access to the domain object, assign the DS-Replication right to the selected user. del_dcsync user - Delete DS-Replication right to the selected user. get_user_groups user - Retrieves all groups this user is a member of. get_group_users group - Retrieves all members of a group. get_laps_password computer - Retrieves the LAPS passwords associated with a given computer (sAMAccountName). set_genericall target grantee - Grant full control of a given target object (sAMAccountName) to the grantee (sAMAccountName). set_owner target grantee - Abuse WriteOwner privilege. dacl_modify - Modify ACE (add/del). Usage: target, grantee, add/del and mask name or ObjectType for ACE modified. set_dontreqpreauth user true/false - Set the don't require pre-authentication flag to true or false. set_rbcd target grantee - Grant the grantee (sAMAccountName) the ability to perform RBCD to the target (sAMAccountName). write_gpo_dacl user gpoSID - Write a full control ACE to the gpo for the given user. The gpoSID must be entered surrounding by {}. get_maq user - Get ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota for current user. exit - Terminates this session.">
add_computer computer [password] - Adds a new computer to the domain with the specified password. Requires LDAPS.add_user new_user [parent] - Creates a new user.add_user_to_group user group - Adds a user to a group.change_password user [password] - Attempt to change a given user's password. Requires LDAPS.clear_rbcd target grantee - Clear the resource based constrained delegation configuration information.disable_account user - Disable the user's account.enable_account user - Enable the user's account.dump - Dumps the domain.search query [attributes,] - Search users and groups by name, distinguishedName and sAMAccountName.set_dcsync user - If you have write access to the domain object, assign the DS-Replication right to the selected user.del_dcsync user - Delete DS-Replication right to the selected user.get_user_groups user - Retrieves all groups this user is a member of.get_gro   up_users group - Retrieves all members of a group.get_laps_password computer - Retrieves the LAPS passwords associated with a given computer (sAMAccountName).set_genericall target grantee - Grant full control of a given target object (sAMAccountName) to the grantee (sAMAccountName).set_owner target grantee - Abuse WriteOwner privilege.dacl_modify - Modify ACE (add/del). Usage: target, grantee, add/del and mask name or ObjectType for ACE modified.set_dontreqpreauth user true/false - Set the don't require pre-authentication flag to true or false.set_rbcd target grantee - Grant the grantee (sAMAccountName) the ability to perform RBCD to the target (sAMAccountName).write_gpo_dacl user gpoSID - Write a full control ACE to the gpo for the given user. The gpoSID must be entered surrounding by {}.get_maq user - Get ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota for current user.exit - Terminates this session.


  • del_computer - Delete computer
  • del_user - Delete user
  • set_dcsync - If you have write access to the domain object, assign the DS-Replication right to the selected user
  • del_dcsync - Del DS-Replication right to the selected user
  • shadow_credantional - inherited pywhisker
  • get_all_laps - Get all LAPS passwords
  • set_owner - Abuse WriteOwner privilege
  • dacl_modify - Set GenericAll, WriteDacl, WriteProperties or set MASK of privilege






If you want to support the project or have unnecessary money :) ETH: 0xAA89044f8BE2F712Cc987Be00F55296B3045c9c3

Via: www.kitploit.com
LDAP Shell - AD ACL Abuse LDAP Shell - AD ACL Abuse Reviewed by Zion3R on 17:36 Rating: 5