OWASP Coraza WAF - A Golang Modsecurity Compatible Web Application Firewall Library

Welcome to OWASP Coraza Web Application Firewall, OWASP Coraza is a golang enterprise-grade Web Application Firewall framework that supports Modsecurity's seclang language and is 100% compatible with OWASP Core Ruleset.


  • Linux distribution (Debian and Centos are recommended, Windows is not supported yet)
  • Golang compiler v1.16+

Migrate from v1

  • Rollback SecAuditLog to the legacy syntax (serial/concurrent)
  • Attach an error log handler using waf.SetErrorLogCb(cb) (optional)
  • the function Transaction.Clean() must be used to clear transaction data, files and take them back to the sync pool.
  • If you are using @rx with libpcre (CRS) install the plugin github.com/jptosso/coraza-pcre
  • If you are using low level APIs check the complete changelog as most of them were removed.

Running the tests

Run the go tests:

go test ./...go test -race ./...

Using pre-commit

pip install pre-commitpre-commit run --all-files

You can also install the pre-commit git hook by running

pre-commit install

Coraza v2 differences with v1

  • Full internal API refactor, public API has not changed
  • Full audit engine refactor with plugins support
  • New enhanced plugins interface for transformations, actions, body processors, and operators
  • We are fully compliant with Seclang from modsecurity v2
  • Many features removed and transformed into plugins: XML (Mostly), GeoIP and PCRE regex
  • Better debug logging
  • New error logging (like modsecurity)
  • Better performance

Your first Coraza WAF project

package mainimport(	"fmt"	"github.com/corazawaf/coraza/v2"	"github.com/corazawaf/coraza/v2/seclang")func main() {	// First we initialize our waf and our seclang parser	waf := coraza.NewWaf()	parser, _ := seclang.NewParser(waf)	// Now we parse our rules	if err := parser.FromString(`SecRule REMOTE_ADDR "@rx .*" "id:1,phase:1,deny,status:403"`); err != nil {		fmt.Println(err)	}	// Then we create a transaction and assign some variables	tx := waf.NewTransaction()	defer func(){		tx.ProcessLogging()		tx.Clean()	}()	tx.ProcessConnection("", 8080, "", 12345)	// Finally we process the request headers phase, which may return an interruption	if it := tx.ProcessRequestHeaders(); it != nil {		fmt.Printf("Transaction was interrupted with status %d\n", it.Status)	}}

Why Coraza WAF?


  • Simplicity: Anyone should be able to understand and modify Coraza WAF's source code
  • Extensibility: It should be easy to extend Coraza WAF with new functionalities
  • Innovation: Coraza WAF isn't just a ModSecurity port. It must include awesome new functions (in the meantime, it's just a port
  • Community: Coraza WAF is a community project, and all ideas will be considered


  • New rule language
  • GraphQL body processor
  • C exports
  • WASM scripts support

Coraza WAF implementations

Some useful tools


Dependency issues:

go get: github.com/jptosso/coraza-waf/[email protected]: parsing go.mod:	module declares its path as: github.com/corazawaf/coraza/v2	        but was required as: github.com/jptosso/coraza-waf/v2

Coraza was migrated from github.com/jptosso/coraza-waf to github.com/corazawaf/coraza. Most dependencies has already been updated to use the new repo, but you must make sure they all use v2.0.0-rc.3+. You may use the following command to fix the error:

go get -u github.com/corazawaf/coraza/[email protected]

How to contribute

Contributions are welcome. There are many TODOs, functionalities, fixes, bug reports, and any help you can provide. Just send your PR.

cd /path/to/corazaegrep -Rin "TODO|FIXME" -R --exclude-dir=vendor *

Special thanks

  • Modsecurity team for creating ModSecurity
  • OWASP Coreruleset team for the CRS and their help

Companies using Coraza

Author on Twitter


For donations, see Donations site

Via: www.kitploit.com
OWASP Coraza WAF - A Golang Modsecurity Compatible Web Application Firewall Library OWASP Coraza WAF - A Golang Modsecurity Compatible Web Application Firewall Library Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:42 Rating: 5