Subdomains.Sh - A Wrapper Around Tools I Use For Subdomain Enumeration On A Given Domain. This Script Is Written With The Aim To Automate The Workflow wrapper around tools I use for subdomain enumeration, to automate the workflow, on a given domain.


To display this script's help message, use the -h flag: -h
subdomains for * --use-passive-source comma(,) separated tools to use --exclude-passive-source comma(,) separated tools to exclude --skip-semi-active skip semi active techniques -r, --resolvers list of DNS resolvers * --skip-dictionary skip dictionary brute forcing -dW, --dictionary-wordlist wordlist for dictionary brute forcing --skip-permutation skip permutation brute forcing -pW, --permutation-wordlist wordlist for permutation brute forcing --skip-dns-records skip discovery from DNS records --skip-reverse-dns skip discovery from reverse DNS lookup --skip-active skip active techniques -o, --output output text file --setup install/update this script & dependencies -h, --help display this help message and exit NOTE: options marked with asterik(*) are required. HAPPY HACKING :)">
           _         _                       _                 _        ___ _   _| |__   __| | ___  _ __ ___   __ _(_)_ __  ___   ___| |__    / __| | | | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _` | | '_ \/ __| / __| '_ \   \__ \ |_| | |_) | (_| | (_) | | | | | | (_| | | | | \__  _\__ \ | | |  |___/\__,_|_.__/ \__,_|\___/|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|_| |_|___(_)___/_| |_| v1.0.0    USAGE: [OPTIONS]    OPTIONS:     -d, --domain                          domain to gather subdomains for *         --use-passive-source              comma(,) separated tools to use         --exclude-passive-source          comma(,) separated tools to exclude         --skip-semi-active                skip semi active techniques     -r, --resolvers                       list of DNS resolvers *         --skip-dictionary                 skip dictionary brute forcing    -dW, --dictionary-wordlist             wordlist for dictionary brute forcing         --skip-permutation                skip permutation brute forcing    -pW, --permutation-wordlist            wordlist for permutation brute forcing         --skip-dns-records                skip discovery from DNS records         --skip-reverse-dns                skip discovery from reverse DNS lookup         --skip-active                     skip active techniques     -o, --output                          output text file         --setup                           install/update this script & dependencies     -h, --help                            display this help message and exit    NOTE: options marked with asterik(*) are required.    HAPPY HACKING :)  


Run the installation script:

           _         _                       _                 _      ___ _   _| |__   __| | ___  _ __ ___   __ _(_)_ __  ___   ___| |__  / __| | | | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _` | | '_ \/ __| / __| '_ \ \__ \ |_| | |_) | (_| | (_) | | | | | | (_| | | | | \__  _\__ \ | | ||___/\__,_|_.__/ \__,_|\___/|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|_| |_|___(_)___/_| |_| v1.0.0USAGE: [OPTIONS]OPTIONS:   -d, --domain                          domain to gather subdomains for *       --use-passive-source              comma(,) separated tools to use       --exclude-passive-source          comma(,) separated tools to exclude       --skip-semi-active                skip semi active techniques   -r, --resolvers                       list of DNS resolvers *       --skip-dictionary                 skip dictionary brute forcing  -dW, --dictionary-wordlist             wordlist for dictionary brute forcing          --skip-permutation                skip permutation brute forcing  -pW, --permutation-wordlist            wordlist for permutation brute forcing       --skip-dns-records                skip discovery from DNS records       --skip-reverse-dns                skip discovery from reverse DNS lookup       --skip-active                     skip active techniques   -o, --output                          output text file       --setup                           install/update this script & dependencies   -h, --help                            display this help message and exitNOTE: options marked with asterik(*) are required.HAPPY HACKING :)


Credit goes to the authors of the various tools I used in this script:


Issues and Pull Requests are welcome!

Subdomains.Sh - A Wrapper Around Tools I Use For Subdomain Enumeration On A Given Domain. This Script Is Written With The Aim To Automate The Workflow Subdomains.Sh - A Wrapper Around Tools I Use For Subdomain Enumeration On A Given Domain. This Script Is Written With The Aim To Automate The Workflow Reviewed by Anónimo on 8:33 Rating: 5