AutoPWN Suite - Project For Scanning Vulnerabilities And Exploiting Systems Automatically

AutoPWN Suite is a project for scanning vulnerabilities and exploiting systems automatically.

How does it work?

AutoPWN Suite uses nmap TCP-SYN scan to enumerate the host and detect the version of softwares running on it. After gathering enough information about the host, AutoPWN Suite automatically generates a list of "keywords" to search NIST vulnerability database.

Visit "PWN Spot!" for more information


AutoPWN Suite has a very user friendly easy to read output.

AutoPWN Suite is a project for scanning vulnerabilities and exploiting systems automatically. (10)


You can install it using pip. (sudo recommended)

sudo pip install autopwn-suite


You can clone the repo.

git clone


You can download debian (deb) package from releases.

sudo apt-get install ./autopwn-suite_1.1.5.deb


Running with root privileges (sudo) is always recommended.

Automatic mode (This is the intended way of using AutoPWN Suite.)

autopwn-suite -y

Help Menu

vulnerability detection for faster scanning. (Default : None) -y, --yesplease Don't ask for anything. (Full automatic mode) -m {evade,noise,normal}, --mode {evade,noise,normal} Scan mode. -nt TIMEOUT, --noisetimeout TIMEOUT Noise mode timeout. (Default : None) -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Specify a config file to use. (Default : None) -v, --version Print version and exit.">
$ autopwn-suite -husage: [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-t TARGET] [-hf HOSTFILE] [-st {arp,ping}] [-nf NMAPFLAGS] [-s {0,1,2,3,4,5}] [-a API] [-y] [-m {evade,noise,normal}] [-nt TIMEOUT] [-c CONFIG] [-v]AutoPWN Suiteoptions:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT                        Output file name. (Default : autopwn.log)  -t TARGET, --target TARGET                        Target range to scan. This argument overwrites the hostfile argument. ( or  -hf HOSTFILE, --hostfile HOSTFILE                        File containing a list of hosts to scan.  -st {arp,ping}, --scantype {arp,ping}                        Scan type.  -nf NMAPFLAGS, --nmapflags NMAPFLAGS                        Custom nmap flags to use for portscan. (Has to be specified like : -nf="-O")  -s {0,1,2,3,4,   5}, --speed {0,1,2,3,4,5}                        Scan speed. (Default : 3)  -a API, --api API     Specify API key for vulnerability detection for faster scanning. (Default : None)  -y, --yesplease       Don't ask for anything. (Full automatic mode)  -m {evade,noise,normal}, --mode {evade,noise,normal}                        Scan mode.  -nt TIMEOUT, --noisetimeout TIMEOUT                        Noise mode timeout. (Default : None)  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG                        Specify a config file to use. (Default : None)  -v, --version         Print version and exit.


  • Vulnerability detection based on version.
  • Easy to read output.
  • Function to output results to a file.
  • pypi package for easily installing with just pip install autopwn-suite.
  • Automatically install nmap if its not installed.
  • Noise mode. (Does nothing but creating a lot of noise)
  • .deb package for Debian based systems like Kali Linux and Parrot Security.
  • Argument for passing custom nmap flags.
  • Config file argument to specify configurations in a seperate config file.
  • Function to automatically download exploit related to vulnerability.
  • Arch Linux package for Arch based systems like BlackArch and ArchAttack.
  • Seperate script for checking local privilege escalation vulnerabilities.
  • Windows and OSX support.
  • Functionality to brute force common services like ssh, vnc, ftp etc.
  • Built in reverse shell handler that automatically stabilizes shell like pwncat.
  • Function to generate reverse shell commands based on IP and port.
  • GUI interface.
  • Meterpreter payload generator with common evasion techniques.
  • Fileless malware unique to AutoPWN Suite.
  • Daemon mode.
  • Option to email the results automatically.
  • Web application analysis.
  • Web application content discovery mode. (dirbusting)
  • Option to use as a module.

Contributing to AutoPWN Suite

I would be glad if you are willing to contribute this project. I am looking forward to merge your pull request unless its something that is not needed or just a personal preference. Click here for more info!


You may not rent or lease, distribute, modify, sell or transfer the software to a third party. AutoPWN Suite is free for distribution, and modification with the condition that credit is provided to the creator and not used for commercial use. You may not use software for illegal or nefarious purposes. No liability for consequential damages to the maximum extent permitted by all applicable laws.

Support or Contact

Having trouble using this tool? You can reach me out on discord, create an issue or create a discussion!

AutoPWN Suite - Project For Scanning Vulnerabilities And Exploiting Systems Automatically AutoPWN Suite - Project For Scanning Vulnerabilities And Exploiting Systems Automatically Reviewed by Zion3R on 17:34 Rating: 5