HSTP - Simple Hyper Service Transfer Protocol On Networks

The protocol aims to develop a application layer abstraction for the Hyper Service Transfer Protocol.

HSTP is a recursion as nature of HSTP. This protocol implements itself as a interface. On every internet connected device, there is a HSTP instance. That's why the adoption is not needed. HSTP already running top of the internet. We have just now achieved to explain the protocol over protocols on heterogeneous networks. That's why do not compare with web2, web3 or vice versa.


HSTP is a application representation interface for heterogeneous networks.

HSTP interface enforces to implement a set of methods to be able to communicate with other nodes in the network. Thus serves, clients, and other nodes can communicate with each other with trust based, end to end encrypted way. By the time the node resolution is based on fastest path resolution algorithm I wrote.

Protocol 4 Babies

Story time!

  • Baby crying!
  • Needs milk!
  • Mommy has a problem.
  • Father has a problem.
  • Let's fix this!

A small overview

Think about, we're in the situation of one mother and one father lives a happy life. They had a baby! Suddenly, the mother needed to drink pills regularly to cure a disase. The pill is a poison for the baby. The baby is crying and the mother calls father because he is the only trusted person to help the baby. But the father sometime can not stay at home, he needs to do something to feed the baby. Father heard one milkman has fresh and high quality milks for low price. Father decides to try to talk the milkman, milkman deliver the milk to the father, father carry the milk to the mother. Mother give the milk to the baby. Baby is happy now and the baby sleeps, mother see the baby is happy.

The family never buy the milk from outside, this is the first time they buy milk for the baby: (Mom do not know the number of milkman, milkman do not know the home address)

As steps:0)  - Baby wants to drink milk.1)  - Baby cries to the mom.3)  - Mom see the baby is crying.4)     - Mom checks the fridge. Mom sees the milk is empty. (Mother is only trusting the Father)5)        - Mom calls the father.6)        - Father calls the milkman.7)        - Milkman delivers the milk to father.8)        - Father delivers the milk to mom.9)  - Mom gives the milk to the baby.10) - Baby drinks the milk.11) - Baby is happy.12) - Baby sleeps.13) - Mother see the baby is happy and sleeps.14) - In order to be able to contact the milkman again, the mother asks the father to tell her that she wants the milkman to save the address of the house and the mobile phone of the mother.15)     - Mother calls the father.16)     - Father calls the milkman.17)     - Milkman saves the address of the house and the mobile phone of the mother.Oops, tomorrow baby wakes up and    cries again,0) - Baby wants to drink milk.1) - Baby cries to the mom.2) - Mom see the baby is crying.3)    - Mom checks the fridge. Mom sees the milk is empty. (Mother is trusting the Father had right decision in the first place by giving the address to the milkman, and the milkman had right decision in the first place by saving the address of the house and the mobile phone of the mother.)4)    - Mother calls the milkman (Mother is trusting the Father's decision only)5)    - Milkman delivers the milk to mom.6) - Mom gives the milk to the baby.7) - Baby drinks the milk.8) - Baby is happy.9) - Baby sleeps.10) - Mother see the baby is happy and sleeps.11) - Mother is happy and the mother trust the milkman now.

this document you're reading is a manifest for the internet people to connecting the other people by trusting the service serve the client and the trust only can be maintainable by providing good services. trust is the key, but not enough for survive. the service has to be reliable, consistent, cheap. unless the people will decide to not ask from you again.

So, it's easy right? It's so simple to understand, who are those people in the story?

  • Baby is a client.
  • Mom is a client.
  • Father is a client.
  • Milkman is a server.


  • Baby could be a server in [TIME].
  • Mom is a server for baby.
  • Father is a server for mom.
  • Milkman is a server for father.
  • Milkman is a server for mom.

Baby is in trusted hands. Nothing to worry about. They love you, you will understand when you grow up and have a child.

// Technical step explanation soon, but not that hard as you see.

What is a HSTP?

HSTP is a interface, which is a set of methods that must be implemented by the application layer. The interface is used to communicate with other nodes in the network. The interface is designed to be used in a heterogeneous network.

What is a HSTP node?

HSTP shall be implemented on any layer of network connected devices/environment.

HSTP node could be a TCP server, HTTP server, static file or contract in any chain. One HSTP node is able to call any other HSTP node. Thus the nodes can call each other freely, they can check their system status, and they can communicate with each other.

What kind of abstraction layer for networks?

HSTP is already implemented on language level, by people for people. English is mostly adopted language around the Earth. JavaScript could be known also mostly adopted language for browser environments. Solidity is for EVM-based chains, hyperbees for TCP based networks, etc.

HSTP interface shall be applied between any HSTP connected devices/networks.

  • [Universe] talks to [Universe] via [HSTP]
    • [Kind] universe talks over world.
      • [World] Earth talks with sound frequencies and HSTP.
        • [Country] X sound frequencies on Xish and HSTP.
          • [Community] CommunityX Xish on CommunityXish.
        • [Country] Y talks Yish and HSTP.
        • [Country] Z talks Zish and HSTP.
      • [World] Mars talks with radio frequencies.
        • [Bacteria] UUU-1 talks UUU-1ish and HSTP.
          • Info: UUU-1 can call, universe/kind/world/Earth/X/CommunityX/query
      • [World] Jupiter talks with light frequencies and do not implements HSTP.
        • Info: If the Earth wants to talk with Jupiter, we can add one HSTP to Jupiter proxy on universe.
    • [Kind] universe talks over atoms and HSTP.
      • [Atoms] ... and HSTP.
        • ... and HSTP.
          • [Y] ... and HSTP.
            • Info: [Y] can talk with universe/kind/world/Mars/Bacteria/UUU-1/query
      • [Atoms] ... and HSTP.
        • ... and HSTP.
          • [Y] ... and HSTP.
            • Info: [Y] can talk with universe/kind/world/Mars/Bacteria/UUU-1/query Info: Kind universe can talk with Mars, and Mars also can talk with Kind universe.

What is the purpose of HSTP?

Infinitive scaling options: Any TCP connected device can talk with any other TCP connected device over HSTP. That means any web browser is serve of another HSTP node, and any web browser can call any other web browser.

Uniform application representation interface: HSTP is a uniform interface, which is a set of methods that must be implemented by the application layer.

Heterogeneous networks: Any participant of network is allowing to share the resources with other participants of the network. The resources can be CPU, memory, storage, network, etc.

Conjucation of web versions Since the blockchain technologies calling as web3, people started discussing about the differanciates between the web's. Comparing is a behaviour for incremental numeric system education's mindset. Which one is better: none of them. We have to build systems could talk in one uniform protocol, underneath services could be anything. HSTP is aiming for that.

What are the components of HSTP?

Registry interface Registry interface designed for using on TCP layer, to be able to register top level tld nodes in the network. The first implementation of HSTP TCP relay will resolve hstp/

The registry has two parts of the interface:

  • Register method, which is used to register a new node in the network.
  • Resolve method, which is used to resolve a node in the network.

Registry implementation needs two HSTP node,

  1. Hyperbees
  • Heterogen networks will resolve the registry of RPC, TCP, HTTP, HSTP etc.
  1. Registry.sol on any EVM based chain. (Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, etc.)
  • Registry.sol will resolve the registry of HSTP nodes. That can be relayed over another networks.

Router interface

For demonstration purposes, we will use the following solidity example:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GNU-3.0-or-laterpragma solidity ^0.8.0;import "./HSTP.sol";import "./ERC165.sol";enum Operation {    Query,    Mutation}struct Response {    uint256 status;    string body;}struct Registry {    HSTP resolver;}// HSTP/Router.solabstract contract Router is ERC165 {    event Log(address indexed sender, Operation operation, bytes payload);    event Register(address indexed sender, Registry registry);    mapping(string => Registry) public routes;    function reply(string memory name, Operation _operation, bytes memory payload) public virtual payable returns(Response memory response) {        emit Log(msg.sender, _operation, payload);        // Traverse upwards and downwards of the tree.        // Tries to find the closest path for given operation.        // If the route is registered on    HSTP node, reply from children node.        // If the node do not have the route on this node, ask for parent.        if (routes[name]) {            if (_operation == Operation.Query) {                return this.query(payload);            } else if (_operation == Operation.Mutation) {                return this.mutation(payload);            }        }        return super.reply(name, _operation, payload);    }    function query(string memory name, bytes memory payload) public view returns (Response memory) {        return routes[name].resolver.query(payload);    }    function mutation(string memory name, bytes memory payload) public payable returns (Response memory) {        return routes[name].resolver.mutation(payload);    }    function register(string memory name, HSTP node) public {        Registry memory registry = Registry({            resolver: node        });        emit Register(msg.sender, registry);        routes[name] = registry;    }    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override returns (bool) {        return interfaceId == type(HSTP).interfaceId;    }}

HSTP interface

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GNU-3.0-or-laterpragma solidity ^0.8.0;import "./Router.sol";// Stateless Hyper Service Transfer Protocol for on-chain services.// Will implement: EIP-4337 when it's on final stage.// https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-4337.mdabstract contract HSTP is Router {    constructor(string memory name) {        register(name, this);    }    function query(bytes memory payload)        public        view        virtual        returns (Response memory);    function mutation(bytes memory payload)        public        payable        virtual        returns (Response memory);}

Example HSTP Node

HSTP node has access to call parent router by super.reply(name, operation, payload) method. HSTP node can also call children nodes by calling this.query(payload) or this.mutation(payload) methods.

A HSTP node can be a smart contract, or a web browser, or a TCP connected device.

Node has full capability of adding more HSTP nodes to the network or itself as sub services.

      HSTP  HSTP    /    \   /  \  HSTP   HSTP  HSTP        /    \      HSTP  HSTP    /       /    HSTP   HSTP
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSEDpragma solidity ^0.8.0;import "hstp/HSTP.sol";// Stateless Hyper Service Transfer Protocol for on-chain services.contract Todo is HSTP("Todo") {    struct ITodo {        string todo;    }        function addTodo(ITodo memory request) public payable returns(Response memory response) {        response.body = request.todo;        return response;    }    // Override for HSTP.    function query(bytes memory payload)        public        view        virtual        override        returns (Response memory) {}    function mutation(bytes memory payload)        public        payable        virtual        override        returns (Response memory) {            (ITodo memory request) = abi.decode(payload, (ITodo));            return this.addTodo(request);        }}</   code>


Ethereum proposal is draft now, but the protocol has referance implementation Todo.sol.

Awesome web services running top of HSTP

Full list here

Hello world

You can test the HSTP and try on remix now.

How to play with the protocol?

  • Copy the source code below to the https://remix.ethereum.org/
  • Deploy on any EVM based chain.
  • Call the functions and try different network topologies on HSTP.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSEDpragma solidity ^0.8.0;import "hstp/HSTP.sol";// Stateless Hyper Service Transfer Protocol for on-chain services.contract Todo is HSTP("Todo") {    struct TodoRequest {        string todo;    }        function addTodo(TodoRequest memory request) public payable returns(Response memory response) {        response.body = request.todo;        return response;    }    // Override for HSTP.    function query(bytes memory payload)        public        view        virtual        override        returns (Response memory) {}    function mutation(bytes memory payload)        public        payable        virtual        override        returns (Response memory) {            (TodoRequest memory todoRequest) = abi.decode(payload, (TodoRequest));            return this.addTodo(tod   oRequest);        }}


Developer level contribution

  • Write a todo application with HSTP, deploy with remix and test it.
  • Draw example architecture of HSTP (serviceless architecture).

Core level contribution

  • Implement TCP layer HSTP interface on hyperbees, [Universe]
    • hyperbees and HSTP will be the first implementation of HSTP.
    • That will covers the universe phrase of networks. That will bring us full decentralized web on HSTP.
  • Implement RPC layer HSTP interface on Solidity [Web3]
  • Implement complex serviceless architecture on HSTP interface with Solidity [Web3]
  • Implement HTTP layer HSTP interface on JavaScript [Web]




Core Contributors


Cagatay Cali

Via: www.kitploit.com
HSTP - Simple Hyper Service Transfer Protocol On Networks HSTP - Simple Hyper Service Transfer Protocol On Networks Reviewed by Zion3R on 19:11 Rating: 5