Seekr - A Multi-Purpose OSINT Toolkit With A Neat Web-Interface

A multi-purpose toolkit for gathering and managing OSINT-Data with a neat web-interface.


Seekr is a multi-purpose toolkit for gathering and managing OSINT-data with a sleek web interface. The backend is written in Go and offers a wide range of features for data collection, organization, and analysis. Whether you're a researcher, investigator, or just someone looking to gather information, seekr makes it easy to find and manage the data you need. Give it a try and see how it can streamline your OSINT workflow!

Check the wiki for setup guide, etc.

Why use seekr over my current tool ?

Seekr combines note taking and OSINT in one application. Seekr can be used alongside your current tools. Seekr is desingned with OSINT in mind and optimized for real world usecases.

Key features

  • Database for OSINT targets
  • GitHub to email
  • Account cards for each person in the database
  • Account discovery intigrating with the account cards
  • Pre defined commonly used fields in the database

Getting Started - Installation


Download the latest exe here

Linux (stable)

Download the latest stable binary here

Linux (unstable)

To install seekr on linux simply run:

git clone seekrgo run main.go

Now open the web interface in your browser of choice.

Run on NixOS

Seekr is build with NixOS in mind and therefore supports nix flakes. To run seekr on NixOS run following commands.

nix shell github:seekr-osint/seekrseekr

Intigrating seekr into your current workflow

journey	title How to Intigrate seekr into your current workflow.	section Initial Research		Create a person in seekr: 100: seekr    Simple web research: 100: Known tools		Account scan: 100: seekr	section Deeper account investigation		Investigate the accounts: 100: seekr, Known tools		Keep notes: 100: seekr  section Deeper Web research    Deep web research: 100: Known tools    Keep notes: 100: seekr	section Finishing the report		Export the person with seekr: 100: seekr		Done.: 100


We would love to hear from you. Tell us about your opinions on seekr. Where do we need to improve?... You can do this by just opeing up an issue or maybe even telling others in your blog or somewhere else about your experience.

Legal Disclaimer

This tool is intended for legitimate and lawful use only. It is provided for educational and research purposes, and should not be used for any illegal or malicious activities, including doxxing. Doxxing is the practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifying information about an individual, without their consent and can be illegal. The creators and contributors of this tool will not be held responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this tool. By using this tool, you agree to use it only for lawful purposes and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations in the jurisdiction in which they operate. Misuse of this tool may result in criminal and/or civil prosecut ion.

Seekr - A Multi-Purpose OSINT Toolkit With A Neat Web-Interface Seekr - A Multi-Purpose OSINT Toolkit With A Neat Web-Interface Reviewed by Zion3R on 9:21 Rating: 5