Xsubfind3R - A CLI Utility To Find Domain'S Known Subdomains From Curated Passive Online Sources

xsubfind3r is a command-line interface (CLI) utility to find domain's known subdomains from curated passive online sources.


  • Fetches domains from curated passive sources to maximize results.

  • Supports stdin and stdout for easy integration into workflows.

  • Cross-Platform (Windows, Linux & macOS).


Install release binaries (Without Go Installed)

Visit the releases page and find the appropriate archive for your operating system and architecture. Download the archive from your browser or copy its URL and retrieve it with wget or curl:

  • ...with wget:

     wget https://github.com/hueristiq/xsubfind3r/releases/download/v<version>/xsubfind3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz
  • ...or, with curl:

     curl -OL https://github.com/hueristiq/xsubfind3r/releases/download/v<version>/xsubfind3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz

...then, extract the binary:

tar xf xsubfind3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz

TIP: The above steps, download and extract, can be combined into a single step with this onliner

curl -sL https://github.com/hueristiq/xsubfind3r/releases/download/v<version>/xsubfind3r-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar -xzv

NOTE: On Windows systems, you should be able to double-click the zip archive to extract the xsubfind3r executable.

...move the xsubfind3r binary to somewhere in your PATH. For example, on GNU/Linux and OS X systems:

sudo mv xsubfind3r /usr/local/bin/

NOTE: Windows users can follow How to: Add Tool Locations to the PATH Environment Variable in order to add xsubfind3r to their PATH.

Install source (With Go Installed)

Before you install from source, you need to make sure that Go is installed on your system. You can install Go by following the official instructions for your operating system. For this, we will assume that Go is already installed.

go install ...

go install -v github.com/hueristiq/xsubfind3r/cmd/xsubfind3r@latest

go build ... the development Version

  • Clone the repository

     git clone https://github.com/hueristiq/xsubfind3r.git 
  • Build the utility

     cd xsubfind3r/cmd/xsubfind3r && \ go build .
  • Move the xsubfind3r binary to somewhere in your PATH. For example, on GNU/Linux and OS X systems:

     sudo mv xsubfind3r /usr/local/bin/

    NOTE: Windows users can follow How to: Add Tool Locations to the PATH Environment Variable in order to add xsubfind3r to their PATH.

NOTE: While the development version is a good way to take a peek at xsubfind3r's latest features before they get released, be aware that it may have bugs. Officially released versions will generally be more stable.

Post Installation

xsubfind3r will work right after installation. However, BeVigil, Chaos, Fullhunt, Github, Intelligence X and Shodan require API keys to work, URLScan supports API key but not required. The API keys are stored in the $HOME/.hueristiq/xsubfind3r/config.yaml file - created upon first run - and uses the YAML format. Multiple API keys can be specified for each of these source from which one of them will be used.

Example config.yaml:

version: 0.3.0sources:    - alienvault    - anubis    - bevigil    - chaos    - commoncrawl    - crtsh    - fullhunt    - github    - hackertarget    - intelx    - shodan    - urlscan    - waybackkeys:    bevigil:        - awA5nvpKU3N8ygkZ    chaos:        - d23a554bbc1aabb208c9acfbd2dd41ce7fc9db39asdsd54bbc1aabb208c9acfb    fullhunt:        - 0d9652ce-516c-4315-b589-9b241ee6dc24    github:        - d23a554bbc1aabb208c9acfbd2dd41ce7fc9db39        - asdsd54bbc1aabb208c9acfbd2dd41ce7fc9db39    intelx:        - 2.intelx.io:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000    shodan:        - AAAAClP1bJJSRMEYJazgwhJKrggRwKA    urlscan:        - d4c85d34-e425-446e-d4ab-f5a3412acbe8


To display help message for xsubfind3r use the -h flag:

xsubfind3r -h

help message:

                _      __ _           _ _____      __  _____ _   _| |__  / _(_)_ __   __| |___ / _ __ \ \/ / __| | | | '_ \| |_| | '_ \ / _` | |_ \| '__| >  <\__ \ |_| | |_) |  _| | | | | (_| |___) | |   /_/\_\___/\__,_|_.__/|_| |_|_| |_|\__,_|____/|_| v0.3.0USAGE:  xsubfind3r [OPTIONS]INPUT: -d, --domain string[]                 target domains -l, --list string                     target domains' list file pathSOURCES:      --sources bool                   list supported sources -u,  --sources-to-use string[]        comma(,) separeted sources to use -e,  --sources-to-exclude string[]    comma(,) separeted sources to excludeOPTIMIZATION: -t,  --threads int                    number of threads (default: 50)OUTPUT:     --no-color bool                   disable colored output -o, --output string                   output subdomains' file path    -O, --output-directory string         output subdomains' directory path -v, --verbosity string                debug, info, warning, error, fatal or silent (default: info)CONFIGURATION: -c,  --configuration string           configuration file path (default: ~/.hueristiq/xsubfind3r/config.yaml)


Issues and Pull Requests are welcome! Check out the contribution guidelines.


This utility is distributed under the MIT license.

Via: www.kitploit.com
Xsubfind3R - A CLI Utility To Find Domain'S Known Subdomains From Curated Passive Online Sources Xsubfind3R - A CLI Utility To Find Domain'S Known Subdomains From Curated Passive Online Sources Reviewed by Zion3R on 15:41 Rating: 5