Moniorg - Tool That Leverages Crt.Sh Website To Monitor Domains Of A Target

By looking through CT logs an attacker can gather a lot of information about organization's infrastructure i.e. internal domains,email addresses in a completly passive manner.

moniorg leverage certificate transparency logs to monitor for newly issued domains based on organization field in their SSL certificate .


git clone


  • Python version used : Python 3.x.
  • moniorg depends on few modules to run:
pip install os sys termcolor difflib json argparse
  • To run the tool in VPS mode and continiously keep monitoring the organization you need free slack workspace , once you get it add the Incoming Webhook URL to the file in the variable named posting_webhook .
    Set up incoming webhooks for slack


usage: [-h] [-a ADD] [-g GET] [-l] [-m MONITOR] [-v] orgname
Short form Long form Description
-h --help Show help message and exit
-a --add Add organization name to be monitored
-m --monitor Monitor and see newly added domains
-g --get Get a list of domains based on orgname that you are monitoring
-l --list List organization names you are monitoring
-v --vps Running moniorg in vps mode and send slack notification whenever a new domain is found (this option should be used along with -m)

Examples :

Adding an organization name to the monitoring list :

python3 -a "VK LLC"                         ,--,--,--,--. ,---. ,--,--, `--' ,---. ,--.--. ,---.|        || .-. ||      \,--.| .-. ||  .--'| .-. ||  |  |  |' '-' '|  ||  ||  |' '-' '|  |   ' '-' '`--`--`--' `---' `--''--'`--' `---' `--'   .`-  /                                           `---'     By Youssef Lahouifi

To see the domains gathered :

python3 -g "VK LLC"                         ,--,--,--,--. ,---. ,--,--, `--' ,---. ,--.--. ,---.|        || .-. ||      \,--.| .-. ||  .--'| .-. ||  |  |  |' '-' '|  ||  ||  |' '-' '|  |   ' '-' '`--`--`--' `---' `--''--'`--' `---' `--'   .`-  /                                           `---'     By Youssef Lahouifi[+] below is the list of domains of the company

To see if new domain is added :

python3 -m "VK LLC"                         ,--,--,--,--. ,---. ,--,--, `--' ,---. ,--.--. ,---.|        || .-. ||      \,--.| .-. ||  .--'| .-. ||  |  |  |' '-' '|  ||  ||  |' '-' '|  |   ' '-' '`--`--`--' `---' `--''--'`--' `---' `--'   .`-  /                                           `---'     By Youssef LahouifiGot Nothing !


moniorg depends on website to find new domains and sometimes looks like is timing out when the list of domain is huge . You just have to retry .

Read more

Discovering domains like never before

Subdomain enumeration is cool , How about domain enumeration ? Part I
Subdomain enumeration is cool , How about domain enumeration ? Part II

Feedback and issues?

If you have a feedback or issue feel free to open it in the issues section .

Moniorg - Tool That Leverages Crt.Sh Website To Monitor Domains Of A Target Moniorg - Tool That Leverages Crt.Sh Website To Monitor Domains Of A Target Reviewed by Zion3R on 15:48 Rating: 5