NTLM Relay Gat - Powerful Tool Designed To Automate The Exploitation Of NTLM Relays

NTLM Relay Gat is a powerful tool designed to automate the exploitation of NTLM relays using ntlmrelayx.py from the Impacket tool suite. By leveraging the capabilities of ntlmrelayx.py, NTLM Relay Gat streamlines the process of exploiting NTLM relay vulnerabilities, offering a range of functionalities from listing SMB shares to executing commands on MSSQL databases.


  • Multi-threading Support: Utilize multiple threads to perform actions concurrently.
  • SMB Shares Enumeration: List available SMB shares.
  • SMB Shell Execution: Execute a shell via SMB.
  • Secrets Dumping: Dump secrets from the target.
  • MSSQL Database Enumeration: List available MSSQL databases.
  • MSSQL Command Execution: Execute operating system commands via xp_cmdshell or start SQL Server Agent jobs.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • proxychains properly configured with ntlmrelayx SOCKS relay port
  • Python 3.6+


To install NTLM Relay Gat, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that Python 3.6 or higher is installed on your system.

  2. Clone NTLM Relay Gat repository:

git clone https://github.com/ad0nis/ntlm_relay_gat.gitcd ntlm_relay_gat
  1. Install dependencies, if you don't have them installed already:
pip install -r requirements.txt

NTLM Relay Gat is now installed and ready to use.


To use NTLM Relay Gat, make sure you've got relayed sessions in ntlmrelayx.py's socks command output and that you have proxychains configured to use ntlmrelayx.py's proxy, and then execute the script with the desired options. Here are some examples of how to run NTLM Relay Gat:

# List available SMB shares using 10 threadspython ntlm_relay_gat.py --smb-shares -t 10# Execute a shell via SMBpython ntlm_relay_gat.py --smb-shell --shell-path /path/to/shell# Dump secrets from the targetpython ntlm_relay_gat.py --dump-secrets# List available MSSQL databasespython ntlm_relay_gat.py --mssql-dbs# Execute an operating system command via xp_cmdshellpython ntlm_relay_gat.py --mssql-exec --mssql-method 1 --mssql-command 'whoami'


NTLM Relay Gat is intended for educational and ethical penetration testing purposes only. Usage of NTLM Relay Gat for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. The developers of NTLM Relay Gat assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this tool.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Via: www.kitploit.com
NTLM Relay Gat - Powerful Tool Designed To Automate The Exploitation Of NTLM Relays NTLM Relay Gat - Powerful Tool Designed To Automate The Exploitation Of NTLM Relays Reviewed by Zion3R on 16:42 Rating: 5